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Melodie Ramone

First published in literary magazines at the age of twelve, Melodie Ramone is a lifelong writer from the suburbs of Chicago, Illinois. When she's not behind the keyboard, she is involved with small animal rescue and is actively engaged in advocating for funding and research for cystic fibrosis. She is the bestselling author of After Forever Ends and currently resides in Central Illinois.

“Just because you have to walk sometimes doesn't mean life isn't taking you places.”
Melodie Ramone
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“Our books are the deepest glimpses into our souls, the most raw and real anybody will ever find us.”
Melodie Ramone
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“It's my estimation that every man ever got a statue made of him was one kind of a son of a bitch or another. --Malcolm Reynolds”
Melodie Ramone
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“I'm pretty much looking for beauty all the time. It just seems like some days the light is better to see it.”
Melodie Ramone
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“Some people you meet and they're your friend for a day. Some you meet and you never really know at all. And then there are those who get caught inside your soul and stay there forever.”
Melodie Ramone
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“. We were young. Love had a way of making us fearless because we knew that no matter what happened, if we fell on our face as we entered the ring or conquered the world in battle, in the end it would just be us, together.”
Melodie Ramone
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“I had a daddy, didn't I? He wasn't perfect and he certainly wasn't the one I'd dreamed he would have been, but I had one all the same. And I'd love him as much as I'd hated him, hadn't I? All that distance, all that time wasted, but the fact that he'd inspired such passion in me meant something in itself. I can honestly say now that I think that's special. Screwed up and turned inside out, we were special him and me, and I am so thankful that I can say that I had a daddy and that he mattered. All his faults and failures mean nothing to me now.”
Melodie Ramone
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“I love you, Silvia. I have always loved you. I loved you before forever began and I’ll love you still after forever ends.” --Oliver”
Melodie Ramone
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“I made up my mind right then what I really wanted in my life. It was comfort of a home and a family. But more than that, I wanted love. I wanted love to surround me. I wanted to swim in it. I wanted to hold it in my hand like heated sand and pour it through my fingers so it covered my feet. I wanted to taste it, I wanted to smell it. I wanted to wrap myself up in it like a blanket and stay safe and warm inside of it forever. And I wanted to give it. I wanted to drown people in it. I wanted to love with all my heart and be loved just as much in return.”
Melodie Ramone
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“No, I heard some of the staff talking. She’s all bad, that one. They kicked her out of the Lollipop Guild for theft, yeah? And she did community service for bitch-slapping the Mayor of Munchkinland.” -- Alexander”
Melodie Ramone
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“Over time, I have realized that at 20, you can wear too much makeup and people assume you're a slut. Do it at 40 and they think you're a sea witch.”
Melodie Ramone
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