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Melody Carlson

“Mostly I think I've learned to trust God more. I mean, if I start getting worried or freaked, I just try to put it in God's hands. Sometimes I imagine God cradling the globe in his hands, and I tell myself that as long as I'm with God, the Creator of the universe, I can be comfortable and at home anyplace on the planet.”
Melody Carlson
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“By his stripes you are healed.”
Melody Carlson
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“Shut off the internal bashing.”
Melody Carlson
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“It takes a good habit to replace a bad habit.”
Melody Carlson
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“I do not understand what makes mothers think they are walking-talking thermometers.But I think somewhere during the process of giving birth and changing diapers, they actually begin to belive they have this supernatural sense.”
Melody Carlson
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“Girls can be so petty and jealous. I swear they're worse than guys sometimes. Except they're all quiet about it. They sugarcoat it or else they talk behind each other's backs. It's seriously twisted.”
Melody Carlson
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“What if?..What if I am all to see?What if life is only this? And Ignorance is bliss?What if love is only pain? And nothing can be gained by living everydayAnd there is no better way?What then?”
Melody Carlson
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“But fear is confusing. It tears you in two. Half of you wants to run far, far away, but the other half is paralyzed, frozen, immovable. And the hard part is that you never know which half is going to win.”
Melody Carlson
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“Here was this really nice guy who happened to be uber-shy... and with just a little encouragement, he was suddenly smiling and joking and having fun. Really, what had taken them so long?”
Melody Carlson
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“Anyway, Phillip isn't like that. From what I can see, Phillip has good judgement and he genuinely cares about me. And those might be rare qualities in seventeen-year-old boys these days. Not that I'm an expert. Although I am getting better at it.”
Melody Carlson
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“If it seems too good to be true... it probably is.”
Melody Carlson
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“Instead of thanking God for my two strong legs that are able to run and jump and climb, I whined about my "thunder thighs" and "thick" ankles. Instead of rejoicing that I have two capable arms that can lift and carry and balance my body, I complained about the flab that hung beneath them. I have been totally and unbelievably ungrateful for everything. Like a completely spoiled brat, I took my healthy body for granted. I criticized it and despised it. With crystal clarity, I know that I do not deserve the good health that God has mysteriously blessed me with. Not only have I been unappreciative of my body and its amazing working parts, I tortured it by overexercising, and I put my entire health at serious risk by starving myself. What on earth was wrong with me? As I watch these kids with their less-than-perfect bodies, I feel so thoroughly ashamed of myself. I mean, how could I have been so stupid and shallow and self-centered?”
Melody Carlson
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“being a teenager these days is not for the faint of heart. ”
Melody Carlson
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“I welcome each new day with a hopeful expectancy that I, too, will rise above the ordinary. For I am not content to live a merely "normal" life or settle for an average existence. No, I am destined for more--much, much more.”
Melody Carlson
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“While Owen and Miles talk sports, I people watch. And this is what I see: teenagers trying to act like adults. Or how they think adults act. But mostly they look ridiculous, and I wonder what they don't want to do something that's more fun than drinking, smoking, flirting, and making out. Why are those activities considered to be fun?”
Melody Carlson
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“And to the casual observer it looks like I have moved on since I go around wearing my little happy mask all day. I smile and laugh and carry on like my heart's still in one piece, but beneath it all, I am dying.”
Melody Carlson
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“It's amazing the things you realize when you lose someone: you get mad at yourself for not saying the things you could've a million times, you take for granted the days spent doing nothing when you could have been with them.Anyone can be taken, at any time in our lives,but we always wait until they're gone to say the things we never had the courage to before.”
Melody Carlson
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“How can this be? How could we have been just sitting there, happily eating our lunch, and then Jess announces that she's gay? Like who does that anyway? And how is it possible that I never even saw this coming? I mean if you best friend has no clue that you're gay, then who does?”
Melody Carlson
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“I’ll never be lonelyEven if I am aloneFor I've a precious Savior Who’ll come to take me home. But while I’m hereHis servant I will be With one foot on earthAnd one in eternity. And I’ll gather His crops To populate His landAnd if I feel weary I’ll cling tighter to his hand.”
Melody Carlson
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