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Melody Malone

“The secret is not just to be stunning, which I find comes rather easily, to be honest. The tricky thing is getting exactly the right level of stun for the occasion.”
Melody Malone
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“Everything about me is pretty and a lot of it is shrewd. So I had a pretty shrewd idea what was going on.”
Melody Malone
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“It was the sort of day when deciding what to wear is like planning a military operation. Believe me – I have considerable experience of both.”
Melody Malone
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“He seemed as oblivious to it as he probably was to the meaning of the word.”
Melody Malone
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“I’ve never been one to resist a single entendre.”
Melody Malone
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“I am Melody Malone, with ice in my heart and a kiss on my lips. In the city that never sleeps and should never blink, mysteries are my business.”
Melody Malone
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“Complicated” is my middle name.’ Actually, it’s not my middle name – any more than Malone is my last name. Whether Melody is really my first name is, well, complicated.”
Melody Malone
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“I sat with my feet up on my desk and started to make a mental list of the people who’d want me dead. Once I got to fifty, I decided this wasn’t helping.”
Melody Malone
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“I don’t often need rescuing, but it’s nice when it goes well and doesn’t involve great heights.”
Melody Malone
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“Let me through – I’m a doctor.’ My heart beat a little faster, and I lingered just long enough to be sure he’d used the indefinite article. But the man was short and bald and rather ugly – not at all like any Doctor I’d consult. I hope. If ‘consult’ is the right word.”
Melody Malone
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“Melody Malone is the owner and sole employee of the Angel Detective Agency in Manhattan. She is possibly married but lives alone usually, and is older than both her parents. Sometimes. Why not visit her website? Ah – probably because the internet hasn’t been invented yet. Sorry, Sweetie.”
Melody Malone
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“I raised an alluring eyebrow. Alluringly.”
Melody Malone
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“Just a quick glimpse to assure myself that everything was buttoned and unbuttoned in the best places and pointing in the right direction.”
Melody Malone
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