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Mercedes Lackey

Mercedes entered this world on June 24, 1950, in Chicago, had a normal childhood and graduated from Purdue University in 1972. During the late 70's she worked as an artist's model and then went into the computer programming field, ending up with American Airlines in Tulsa, Oklahoma. In addition to her fantasy writing, she has written lyrics for and recorded nearly fifty songs for Firebird Arts & Music, a small recording company specializing in science fiction folk music.

"I'm a storyteller; that's what I see as 'my job'. My stories come out of my characters; how those characters would react to the given situation. Maybe that's why I get letters from readers as young as thirteen and as old as sixty-odd. One of the reasons I write song lyrics is because I see songs as a kind of 'story pill' -- they reduce a story to the barest essentials or encapsulate a particular crucial moment in time. I frequently will write a lyric when I am attempting to get to the heart of a crucial scene; I find that when I have done so, the scene has become absolutely clear in my mind, and I can write exactly what I wanted to say. Another reason is because of the kind of novels I am writing: that is, fantasy, set in an other-world semi-medieval atmosphere. Music is very important to medieval peoples; bards are the chief newsbringers. When I write the 'folk music' of these peoples, I am enriching my whole world, whether I actually use the song in the text or not.

"I began writing out of boredom; I continue out of addiction. I can't 'not' write, and as a result I have no social life! I began writing fantasy because I love it, but I try to construct my fantasy worlds with all the care of a 'high-tech' science fiction writer. I apply the principle of TANSTAAFL ['There ain't no such thing as free lunch', credited to Robert Heinlein) to magic, for instance; in my worlds, magic is paid for, and the cost to the magician is frequently a high one. I try to keep my world as solid and real as possible; people deal with stubborn pumps, bugs in the porridge, and love-lives that refuse to become untangled, right along with invading armies and evil magicians. And I try to make all of my characters, even the 'evil magicians,' something more than flat stereotypes. Even evil magicians get up in the night and look for cookies, sometimes.

"I suppose that in everything I write I try to expound the creed I gave my character Diana Tregarde in Burning Water:

"There's no such thing as 'one, true way'; the only answers worth having are the ones you find for yourself; leave the world better than you found it. Love, freedom, and the chance to do some good -- they're the things worth living and dying for, and if you aren't willing to die for the things worth living for, you might as well turn in your membership in the human race."

Also writes as Misty Lackey

Author's website

“But--" she tried not to wail, but her voice crept upward, anyway "--I want to go HOME--""And I want a palace and a handsome, young prince who has an unnatural lust for old women, and neither of us are going to get what we crave, so let's concentrate on what we can do something about!" Granny said sharply.”
Mercedes Lackey
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“Sebastian looked alarmed at her stiffness, but Eric took it in and chuckled. "Riding astride would have been easier," he said. "You put twice the strain on yourself with that unnatural position.""Oh, I know," she replied with a grimace. "Every muscle told me about it this morning, and I actually DID have a hot soak before I went to bed."Sebastian looked blankly at the two of them for a moment, then blinked and looked relieved. "Oh, you're saddle sore! I'm sorry--”
Mercedes Lackey
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“I think I know why you never married, Sarah.""Well, and I reckoned if I wanted something that'd come and go as he pleased, take me for granted, and ignore me when he chose, I'd get a cat. And if I wanted something I'd always have to be picking up after, getting into trouble, but slavishly devoted, I'd get a dog.”
Mercedes Lackey
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“... everything written is at least in part fantasy.Except maybe the national budget.That's horror.”
Mercedes Lackey
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“Aleksia laughed at her, putting a world of scorn and withering contempt into her voice--just as Kay would probably do in a temper. In fact, everything that she was doing now was to test her to see if her own self-worth was strong enough to stand up to the worst the one she loved could deliver. It is so much harder to take a hint of scorn from the beloved than a verbal battering from an enemy........Kay would always be more intelligent, more clever than Gerda was. She had to know, deep inside her, that what she offered was just as important and just as valuable as wit and intelligence.”
Mercedes Lackey
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“Thought it has certainly taken you long enough to realize what should have truly been precious to you. Not your own self-importance, nor how clever you thought you were, but the affections of those who cared for you, and that you should have cared for in return. e become truly great only when we work for others as well as ourselves. By your own light, you can only illuminate a small part of the world, but when your light is reflected and shared, it is magnified.”
Mercedes Lackey
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“(From the Author Note at the beginning of the book.) Dorothy L. Sayers used to say that mystery stories were the only moral fiction of the modern world--because in a mystery, you were guaranteed to see that the bad got punished, the good got rewarded and in the end all was made right.I'd like to think that fantasy does the same thing. It reminds us that this is how it should be, and maybe if we all put our minds to it a little more, this is how it will be. The good will be rewarded. The bad will be punished. Sins will be forgiven.And they will live happily ever after.”
Mercedes Lackey
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“Certainly no one has ever died of an unrequited passion—it's usually the ones that are requited that get people in trouble.”
Mercedes Lackey
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“I'm not a legend or a hero, I don't slay dragons, I don't do any of the things that a real hero can. But I can make things better, one day at a time, for most of the kingdom.”
Mercedes Lackey
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“Then he heard a wild, high-pitched cackling that made the hair stand up on the back of his neck. It wasn't sane, that laugh. In fact, it was the laughter of someone who never had more than a nodding acquaintance with sanity.”
Mercedes Lackey
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“We believe that all those who are served should also spend time serving.”
Mercedes Lackey
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“Ow!' was the first thing out of her mouth, followed by a steam of articulate and literate curses that were neither blasphemous nor prurient.She'd had years to develop a vocabulary of invective that wouldn't offend anyone. It was the sort of thing a princess had to do if she was going to be able to adequately vent her feelings.”
Mercedes Lackey
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“There are more nasty things in pretty packages in the world than most people would believe.”
Mercedes Lackey
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“Witch' is just a religion, okay? No baby-sacrificing, no Black Masses, no sending imps out to scare the dog-snot out of kids, trying to make them think they're crazy. We don't do things like that. Our number-one law is 'Have fun in this lifetime, but don't hurt anybody.'Nice little paraphrase of "An it harm none, do as ye will" if I do say so myself.”
Mercedes Lackey
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“[...] what the hell do I do about a broken lifebond?"He shook his head, obviously at a loss. "I can't tell you; I don't know. I don't Heal minds, I Heal bodies. And I don't know of anyone who Heals hearts.”
Mercedes Lackey
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“The gods gave you a brain, boy,' he'd say. 'If you want to honor them, use it.”
Mercedes Lackey
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“Life is attention to both the large and the small, little brother. Pay heed to the sun, but watch your feet, or you'll fall ingloriously on your nose.”
Mercedes Lackey
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“Jett Gallatin expected trouble in Alsop, Texas—but not zombies.”
Mercedes Lackey
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“Peri went to the window, gesturing out at the dragons, perched and flying, everywhere. "Safe, true, but how boring! How confining! How sad! How could that compare with this? And what is safe? You were not safe on your little farm. War came to you and took all your safety away! If I am to be in this world, I want more than to be a hound upon the game board, tucked away in a corner until the jackals come and sweep all away!”
Mercedes Lackey
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“Once the blinders are off, it's rather hard to go back to seeing things the way you used to.”
Mercedes Lackey
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“...for a country whose people ceased to believe in magic soon lost much of their ability to imagine and dream, and before long, they ceased to believe--or hope-- for anything.”
Mercedes Lackey
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“What is courage?" its chorus asked--and the song answered, "It is to give when hope is gone, when there is no chance that men may call you a hero, when you have tried and failed and rise to try again." It asked the same of friendship, answering that "the friend stands beside you when you are right and all others despise you for it.”
Mercedes Lackey
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“Getting angry over something that won't change is like seeing what happens if you hit your hand with a hammer over and over again, and being surprised each time when it hurts. So you might as well stop doing it.”
Mercedes Lackey
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“Kabul edilebilir tek savaş, kendini savunmak için yapılandır ve her türlü savaşta en büyük bedeli ödeyen masumlardır”
Mercedes Lackey
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“Sevgi bazen yanında acıyı da getirir ama şu an hissettiğin acının beraberinde sevgiyi de getirip getiremeyeceğini bilmenin hiçbir yolu yoktur.”
Mercedes Lackey
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“There’s no such thing as `one, true way’; the only answers worth having are the ones you find for yourself; leave the world better than you found it. Love, freedom, and the chance to do some good — they’re the things worth living and dying for, and if you aren’t willing to die for the things worth living for, you might as well turn in your membership in the human race.”
Mercedes Lackey
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“Doctor Ambrosius smiled slightly. "You and all the others here, are-or rather, one day will be-magicians."Spirit broke into a disbelieving laugh."Right," she said, starting to stand up. Mean, she could deal with; crazy was something else. "Thank you, Professor Dumbledore. I hope the train hasn't left yet, because-”
Mercedes Lackey
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“In a dog's world, only three states existed: "now," "in a while," and "forever." If someone left, he was gone "forever," and when he returned they rejoiced as much as if he were back from the dead precisely because he'd been gone "forever.”
Mercedes Lackey
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“We are to call hares ad become mushrooms," Jermayan explained kindly. "Presumimg Kindolhinadetil will grant us the load of a mirror." "Yes of course," Kellen said, with only a touch of irony."That makes perfect sense.”
Mercedes Lackey
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“It's only gossip if you repeat it. Until then, it's gathering information.”
Mercedes Lackey
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“Inexperience can be overcome, ignorance can be enlightened, but prejudice will destroy you.”
Mercedes Lackey
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“How DARE the villainous cads be as clever as the heroes.”
Mercedes Lackey
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“It was Mags' turn to snort. "But most on it is there ain't 'nough space for him an' his ego t' be in th' same room at th' same time.”
Mercedes Lackey
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“Doctor MacKenzie says "Sometimes I think the Victorians had the right idea. When you lost a family member back then you were suppose to be in full mourning, dress in nothing but black, for a whole year. Then you went into something they called 'half mourning' for another full year, adn during those two years, you were pretty much expected to have emotional breakdowns, you could do it whenever you felt you needed to, and everybody would support you. Now?, A month after a tragedy, maybe two, and you're expected to be all better-or down pills so you can pretend you are.”
Mercedes Lackey
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“He isn't stupid, but his interests are so narrow I doubt I could slip a sheet of paper in between them”
Mercedes Lackey
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“Nevertheless, now that I have met you, I know that all that I am, and all that I have, could not match what you are worth.”
Mercedes Lackey
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“...not forgiving someone is like not pulling a thorn out of your foot just because you weren't the one that put it there.”
Mercedes Lackey
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“Although you feel relief now, this is likely to be the source of many sleepless nights for you. You will lie awake, look upon your heart, and find it unlovely. You will be certain that (...) you are the greatest of monsters. This is a good thing; although you may forgive yourself, you must never come to think that your actions were in any way justifiable. But- (...) Being a sane, honorable human being is not always comfortable.”
Mercedes Lackey
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“It's just as easy to be lonely in a city as out in the wilderness. Easier, really. It's harder to get to know someone when you meet in a crowded place. People can freely ignore you in the city; they can assume they don't have any responsibility for you. When there are fewer people, (...) they begin assuming some kind of responsibility, simply because you naturally do the same.”
Mercedes Lackey
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“There will always be bad times... It's the getting back up again that counts." - Gallen in "Intrigues”
Mercedes Lackey
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“Muddling along ... is the great secret to life... You take the good and the bad and cope as they happen" - Gallen in Intrigues”
Mercedes Lackey
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“Pretend long enough that you belong, and eventually even you will believe it." - Gallen”
Mercedes Lackey
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“Fanatics can justify practically any atrocity to themselves. The more untenable their position becomes, the harder they hold to it, and the worse the things they are willing to do to support it.”
Mercedes Lackey
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“Van, Van, we’re only simple, fallible mortals - we aren’t saints, we aren’t angels - we fall on our faces and make errors and sometimes people die of them - sometimes people we love dearly -”
Mercedes Lackey
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“Harrier says the Wild Magic is as annoying as a goat. And the only other Wildmage either of us has ever met kept hitting him with a wooden spoon. Wildmages aren't like, oh - like Kellen and Idalia and Vestakia the Redeemed in The Book of the Light. They're people.' [Tiercel Rolfort]”
Mercedes Lackey
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“Yeah, well, that's what you said the last time it did this, and it was doing it that time too,' Tiercel said waspishly.Clear as mud,' Harrier muttered.”
Mercedes Lackey
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“You jackass. We're all going to die here. You know that, right?' Harrier said.Yeah," Eugens said shakily. '...Guess I might as well die here with you as out on the desert with a bunch of other jackasses.”
Mercedes Lackey
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“Harrier twisted himself sideways on his saddle to stare at him [Tiercel]. 'You had a vision,' he said flaty.Yes. No. I don't know. I...Yes. No.”
Mercedes Lackey
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“If you would rise, do so alone.”
Mercedes Lackey
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“[Harrier] locked eyes with Zanattar. He couldn't remember another time in his life when he'd been this angry and hadn't hit something.”
Mercedes Lackey
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