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Michael A. Stackpole

“You saw this as a travesty because, by marrying Mara, I was taking an important icon from you. But this is about starting a new life, not ending an old one.”
Michael A. Stackpole
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“Note to the wise: whenever someone insists that he wants to buy something from you, but tells you there’s no real value in it yet, two things are happening: he’s lying, and you’re being taken.”
Michael A. Stackpole
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“If the quest was supposed to be easy, they would not have given it to someone who is supposed to be a hero.”
Michael A. Stackpole
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“Even being a Jedi is something where you look for more. At first you acted as if Jedi was synonymous with hero. It isn't. Being a hero isn't what all these folks are here to do. They're here to do their jobs."-Jaina Solo”
Michael A. Stackpole
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“A gram of prevention is worth a kilo of cure."-Ganner Rhysode”
Michael A. Stackpole
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“The distinction between protectors and warriors is critical to avoid the seduction of the Dark Side."-Luke Skywalker”
Michael A. Stackpole
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“Being Jedi is what we are. It's not the power we weild or the weapons we carry."-Luke Skywalker”
Michael A. Stackpole
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“I don't know what I'll be in the future, Anakin, but I know you'll be a great Jedi Knight."- Jacen Solo”
Michael A. Stackpole
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“Can I truly discover how to integrate myself in the Force if I do not know who I am without it?"- Jacen Solo”
Michael A. Stackpole
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“Easy isn't for Jedi. Of course, trying to find your own path is much more difficult. Maybe what you have to do is walk a bit on the other paths and see how you can waeve bits and pieces of them together."- Anakin Solo”
Michael A. Stackpole
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“Out of character to be so obvious. You need to be more subtle. Locate a partially blocked artery in his brain, then just pinch it off. Bang, he's down and it's over." - Mara Jade Skywalker”
Michael A. Stackpole
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“I am so glad I found you and didn't kill you" - Mara Jade Skywalker to Luke Skywalker”
Michael A. Stackpole
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“As long as I'm fighting, I'm not dying." - Mara Jade Skywalker”
Michael A. Stackpole
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“Luke, I'm a fighter. I've always been a fighter. The few times when I have been at leisure, I've been miserable. I want challenges, I crave them. As nice an peaceful as it was up north here, it lulled me, dulled me, took the edge off. Anakin made it so I had no needs, and Dantooine -- before the Yuuzhan Vong -- had nothing more dangerous than big thorns to worry about. I was wasting away, trying to conserve my strengh, all the while turning away from the means I'd used in the past to tap the Force." - Mara Jade Skywalker”
Michael A. Stackpole
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“I know. Off to save the galaxy again, that's my Leia." - Han Solo”
Michael A. Stackpole
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“I placed quite a burden on Anakin, didn't I, by giving him that name." –Leia Organa Solo "He is strong enough to carry that burden, Leia...He's young, yet he has courage and intelligence." –Elegos A'Kla”
Michael A. Stackpole
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“Out of the firefight, into the carbon freeze." -Anakin Solo”
Michael A. Stackpole
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“On Dantooine, when Mara made me stop using the Force like a crutch, I had a lot of time to think about things. I realized I was using the force too much. Uncle Luke uses it like an advisor, or sometimes a power source. Others use it like a vibroblade, some like an opinion poll, and others yet like a whole variety of tools. I thought all about that, and I guess I chose to follow in Uncle Luke's footsteps." -Anakin”
Michael A. Stackpole
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“Life itself was hard enough without monosynaptic sociopaths preying on folks.”
Michael A. Stackpole
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