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Michael Diack


Welcome to my author page. My debut novel, 'The Super Spud Trilogy', was released in April 2012. It's about magical crisp packets with personalities determined by their flavouring - a little quirky and very satirical.

I enjoy sailing, fantasy football, skiing,table tennis, squash and playing computer/board games with my friend - especially Risk and Catan.

I studied geology at Manchester University, as I always wanted to be a volcanologist like Pierce Brosnan in Dante's Peak. But I'm currently working in Denmark.

In July 2013 I released 'Shadows in the Sand', the first part of my fantasy series Empyria and I concluded it with part 2, 'The Light and The Glass' later in the year.

In January 2015, I released 'The Secret Lives of Bicycles' - a children's novel suitable for big adults also, which features magical bicycles going on exciting adventures.

I will happily interact with readers to discuss the Super Spuds or Empyria. Find me on Twitter (@michaeljdiack), or Facebook. Thanks!

“Nonsense, this is my home and I must defend it. It’s time for Santa to get serious.”
Michael Diack
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“Foolish potato, talking to her like that won’t work. You’ve got to be mean and show off your foil-wrapped rigidity.”
Michael Diack
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“Bear with me G-Harrison because this is going to be a long speech. I’ve always had this feeling that the world is not enough and I won’t be happy in life unless I hold hands with a girl who has a golden eye and a gold finger; I beat the living daylights out a guy called Dr No; I get a postcard from my friend who lives in Russia which reads ‘From Russia with love’; I spend some time working for her majesty’s secret service; I play the Thunderball Super Spud lottery; I meet a guy called Moonraker; I finally get a licence to kill, which I applied for months ago; I buy a house with a view to kill for and I get a pet octopus called Octopussy. If only I lived twice and tomorrow never died, maybe then I would get a chance to fulfil my dreams.”
Michael Diack
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“Our friend Chewy doesn’t speak much, but he chews a lot of tobacco so we call him Chewbacco.”
Michael Diack
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