“As they stood there, the world falling apart around them, Grigor had a feeling of dread settle over his heart; but despite that, he was glad that he was with Olivia once again.”
“There is a darkened corridor, forgotten by the sun, shrouded in shadow and transgression.”
“Her light was so brilliant it burned my guilty shadow onto the floor, but I was not blinded.”
“If you are reading this Libellus, you are a Dreamer, whether you have recognized this or not. Being a Dreamer carries responsibility, one most people are not willing to accept. Responsibility implies that one cannot blame another person for their actions, effectively avoiding causality. However, this is futile and childish to consider. If you are a Dreamer, you are creating the Waking Dream around you. If your life is good, it is because you have made it so and if it is bad, it is because you have made it so. No one else is responsible for your life other than you.”
“I am the keeper of the beast, though all men harbor a beast in the depths of their heart -- callous, calamitous creatures, driven by deviant demands and derisive diligence. -- From the short story What Rough Beast”
“The moment had come, and the rest of the world fell away from the two of them, a single bubble floating unnoticed on a the wind of time. He had no idea how long it had lasted – ineffably tender, passionate, erotic, romantic and innocent all at once. Everything a kiss should be, but seldom becomes.”