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Michael Langlois

Michael Langlois lives in Texas with his family, two dogs, a cat, and BB, The Most Confident Rabbit in the World.

When he's not playing tabletop board games, video games, or waxing nostalgic about zombies on his blog, he will occasionally stop procrastinating and write something.

You can follow his antics at http://michael-langlois.net.

“There's an old saying about the checks one might write with one's mouth, verses the actual purchasing power of one's ass.”
Michael Langlois
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“Fear crawled up Daniel's spine at the realization that Vincent's humanity was only and affectation to be discarded like a mask when it was no longer useful, revealing the polished bone remnants of his personality, left after the softer emotions had been scoured off after a century or more of power and command.”
Michael Langlois
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“He'd gotten this far on bravado and the time honored tradition of ignoring any inconvenient nagging thoughts, but it wasn't working so well now.”
Michael Langlois
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