Michael Patrick Clark photo

Michael Patrick Clark

Michael Patrick Clark was born on The Fourth of July 1950.

He spent the first few years of his life in an orphanage, before adoption brought a new home and a change of name.

Michael joined the armed forces as a boy apprentice. He trained in telecommunications, and subsequently transferred to a specialist mobile-communications unit.

Over the ensuing years he travelled the world; living and working in environments as exotic, hostile, and diverse as the Libyan Desert, Europe, the Australian outback, South-East Asia, and Central and South America.

In the late seventies Michael moved into the high-tech industry. He worked predominantly on international consultancy, for U.S. based communications and computer manufacturers, but after twenty-five years in the industry, made the life-changing decision to move to Spain, with his wife Pamela, and write novels.

Since then he has completed the first and last parts of The Etzel Trilogy, The Folks at Fifty-Eight being the first. He has also written Flying with Cuckoos, an amusing and heart-warming account of his journey from the orphanage to special forces: also published by MDB Publishing, and now available from Amazon in both Kindle and paperback format.

“All governments lie; those that lie the best are those we trust the most”
Michael Patrick Clark
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