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Michael Phelps

My name is Michael Phelps. NO (sorry to disappoint), I am NOT the young, good-looking, talented, Olympic Champion. I am the (NOT so) young, (NOT at all) good-looking, (YES) talented, (NOT) an Olympic Champion. I am an Author.

While engaged as Chief Investigator for a prominent Miami (FL) Law firm which specialized in criminal defense I Co-authored "DAVID JANSSEN-MY FUGITIVE" with the iconic actor's first wife, Ellie Janssen. Published in December, 1994 in Hardcover, with Paperback Editions following in 1995, 1996 & 1997 the book sold in excess of 1.2 Million copies world-wide. Upon retiring from the law firm, I chose to embark on the challenging career of becoming an Author. I promised myself never to co-author a book with anyone, especially the ex-wife of a celebrity. I chose to write about something I know well; Police & Detective novels and Court room trials, murder and mayhem.

My debut novel, "THE EXECUTION OF JUSTICE" is based on the murder of a close friend and one time mentor of mine, Detective Sergeant Jack Orhberg, Robbery & Homicide Unit of the Indianapolis Police Department. Jack was brutally murdered on December 11, 1980. Published in Hardcover by Blue Line Publishing House, Inc. on January 30, 2009 and E-book format in July of 2010. In this novel I created the "Mike Walsh Detective Novels" series. In July of 2012 I released "THE JOCKEY'S JUSTICE", the second in the "Mike Walsh Detective Novels" series. It is based on the murder of a winning horse racing Jockey, a case I worked on for the law firm.

I have just completed a long journey into the past with my friend DAVID JANSSEN. My Memoir, "DAVID JANSSEN-Our Conversations, VOLUME ONE-The Early Years (1965-1972) and VOLUME TWO, The Final Years (1973-1980) are now available exclusively on Amazon Kindle. Softcover Editions are in the print process now. A Hardcover Edition is available by Special Order.

Please visit my website to examine all my works.

Thank you for your time and interest.

“I knew I was not a failure in any way, and so did those close to me. It doesn't matter if you fall short; it is never a failure to go after your goals with everything you've got.”
Michael Phelps
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“That's it. Thats Bob's game. His drill...is really quite simple- make a habit of doing things other's weren't willing to do.”
Michael Phelps
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“If you say "can't" you're restricting what you can do or ever will do.”
Michael Phelps
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“At the hospital, I was asked for my autograph; I'm right-handed and couldn't sign. So I was asked for photos. While hooked up to IV lines.”
Michael Phelps
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“I think everything is possible as long as long as you put your mind, work and time into it.”
Michael Phelps
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“Swimming is normal for me. I'm relaxed. I'm comfortable, and I know my surroundings. It's my home.”
Michael Phelps
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“If I didn't swim my best, I'd think about it at school, at dinner, with my friends. It would drive me crazy.”
Michael Phelps
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“Every day after I wake up, I think, 'Wait... this can't be real; I'm still going to wake up.”
Michael Phelps
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“You can't put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther you get.”
Michael Phelps
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“Nothing is impossible. With so many people saying it couldn't be done, all it takes is an imagination.”
Michael Phelps
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“You can't put a limit on aything. The more you dream, the father you get.”
Michael Phelps
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