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Michael Treanor

“Maybe the problem is that I was never taught to enjoy failure as an opportunity.”
Michael Treanor
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“If you ever expect life to be fair, you are in for a shocking disappointment. Life is what it is. Fair is something we made up.”
Michael Treanor
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“Exercise not only tones the muscles, but also refines the brain and revives the soul.”
Michael Treanor
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“When something is impossible, I do it anyway.”
Michael Treanor
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“When I think I can’t go anymore, I go anyway.”
Michael Treanor
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“A difficult journey is more revealing of character than any discussion or analysis.”
Michael Treanor
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“If I go a little over the top sometimes, don’t worry; That’s where all the sunshine is.”
Michael Treanor
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“I’m not trying to do it like that … I’m trying to do it like it hasn’t been done!”
Michael Treanor
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“Food is a creative, personal journey”
Michael Treanor
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“Once I stop spending energy trying to prevent things I have no control over, I have a tremendous amount of energy to focus on the places where I can make a difference.”
Michael Treanor
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“Fear is the illusion that I have some control over the bad things that might happen to me.”
Michael Treanor
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