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Michele Sinclair

In need of a creative outlet, I began writing novels after my second child was born. A voracious reader of romance books and a constant dreamer of romantic plots, I was encouraged to put my ideas to paper. I soon found out I loved it...all of it!

I am a member of the Romance Writers of America and of the Georgia Romance Writers.

In addition to writing historical romance novels, I also build large HO model trains, love to do huge cross-stitching pieces, relax by boating, and decorate everything I can during the Christmas season.

Besides romance I am a heavy science fiction reader and try to read at least two books a month—one science fiction and the other romance even when I am writing. I guess I just secretly desire to live in another place in time!

“Chrissie,your mouth goes faster than a fox being chased.”
Michele Sinclair
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“My God! You really like her,don't you? I knew you were attracted to the woman, but you really like her.I should have known. From the moment you returned to camp that night, grumbling about how the woman in this area were too damn pretty, I knew a female had finally burrowed underneath that hardened exterior. I just never dreamed you would also get to her.""I hope I'm around when a woman finally lays claim to your sanity. With your impetuous personality,your actions will be far more out of character than mine."Tyr clapped his mug on the table and threw his hands up in the air. "Not me. I swore an oath against women and commitments, and it is an oath I intend to keep.But you,my friend, are not me and do not have my reasons for rejecting happiness.Go to her, a woman like that would forgive a man, she might even find life in a stone. So much so,that she may even consider marrying him. Of course,he might have to grovel a little."Ranulf pushed himself up,wishing Tyr was correct.Unfortunately, Bronwyn wasn't about to marry a man like him, not before and certainly not now. "I'm going to take a walk.”
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“I say,she is sinfully attractive when she's angry.You may not claim to have a way with the ladies,but when you want to make one mad,you are indeed an expert."Ranulf clenched his teeth and said nothing, but sent Tyr a flash of warning.Tyr dismissed the look and pressed on,opting for a flank attack. "You know that dress she was wearing? She would wear that color more often, complements that odd color of blue in her eyes."Ranulf sank onto the bench across the table from Tyr and raked his hands through his hair. "Take my advice and avoid looking too long at them.They can confound a man.Make him believe in lies.""You might be right," Tyr agreed and moved to pour himself some more wine. "But when a man can't think straight,is it she who is telling the lies or is it he who is telling them to himself?""If you are trying to make a point, don't.""No,no point." Tyr sighed and swirled his mug. "Just that she was looking pretty tonight. Did you not think so?""No.""Well,I did.I especially liked the hair. Normally I do not like stuff being all free like that,gets in the way.I usually prefer a woman's hair to be pulled back and tidy,but hers...well,I just might have to change my mind."Nothing from Ranulf.Not even a twitch.Damn.The man was stubborn.Tyr swallowed the mug's contents for fortification.If he got out of this with his skin still intact,he would be lucky.He had maybe one more shot before Ranulf got up to leave,so it had to hit-and hard.Tyr rocked the bench back and hummed, "Looked like silk,wonder if it feels like silk.I once had a woman with hair-""Damn you," Ranulf uttered through his teeth. "Be quiet or get out.""What do you care? You may not like her,but I do.And not just in the face.I'm actually looking forward to tomorrow and spending time with the ladt.And after her jumping onto the idea of coming hunting,I think she feels the same.""She does not like you.""I beg to disagree.She thinks I am charming. Said so herself.But then it wasn't I who said she was trying to seduce every man around her.”
Michele Sinclair
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“Asking Ranulf what the hell was going on and just what possessed him to pick a fight with a woman he was obviously attracted to would be a waste of breath. His friend was too busy trying to convince himself that he dispised her. It was an absured goal. Until Ranulf realized that it wasn't anger he was feeling,the man would remain frustrated and become more and more unbearable.”
Michele Sinclair
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“There are worse things in life than having a few scars,something you should have discovered long ago,my lord.And until you started using them as an excuse, I never thought you to be a half-wit.But I am glad that you have clarified that point,for you're right.Such a man is unappealing." Feining confidence and joyal expectation, she swiveled toward Tyr. "I will join you tomorrow morning in the bailey in front of the stables."Both men stared,unable to stop themselves, as she sauntered out of the Hall and through the door that led up to her chambers.Tyr watched the rhythm of Ranulf's pulse in the bulging veins along his neck. If Bronwyn were a man,she would right now be fighting for her life. There were probably only three people in the world who could provoke Ranulf and live to see another day.Him, Ranulf's commander and friend Garik who had stayed behind in Normandy-and now that woman.”
Michele Sinclair
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“Well,then why don't we go hunting tomorrow?" he offered cheerfully, knowing that a sunny disposition right now would rankle his friend.Bronwyn flashed Tyr a radiant smile. "What a sensible suggestion. After the past few days,it would be refreshing to spend some time with a charming gentleman and give me a chance to get away from certain...frustrations," she said as her gaze leisurely swept over Ranulf. "I can show you the choice spots."Tyr let go a low chuckle. No wonder the women at court never interested Ranulf. None of them had the audaciousness needed to penetrate his thick shell. Tyr returned Bronwyn's smile and picked up a handful of almonds. "That would be great.It will also give you a chance to meet more of the men."Ranulf didn't move, but his knuckles turned white. "The last thing the men need is a woman around who enjoys toying with their emotions.""I do not toy,my lord,but I suspect manners and general kindness may appear that way to someone who has the emotional capacity of a stone." her voice had risen at least an octave, giving away her confusion and hurt pride.Oblivious,Ranulf slowly shifted his gaze to hers and grated back, "If I am a stone,madam,then perhaps it is because I look like one.I'm sorry that I don't have Tyr's smile or Tory's sweet nature.Men like me do not appeal to women like yourself. I would be a half-wit to think otherwise.”
Michele Sinclair
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“Who the hell ordered the servants to keep everyone out? You know better than most, Ranulf, the dangers of a hungry mob.”
Michele Sinclair
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“But how does one say, "When I hold you in my arms, I lose all reason?”
Michele Sinclair
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“What did you say?" Bronwyn asked.Ranulf scowled, hating to be caught mumbling. Something else he never did. "I said that I don't yell! I don't shout! Ever!""I find that hard to believe,my lord, for I have heard you do quite a lot of both since you arrival.”
Michele Sinclair
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“Ranulf searched for something to distract him from what she was doing. Only one topic came to mind.Their kiss."About this morning.Your memory is faulty."Concentrating,Bronwyn was just about to sever the final stitch. "How so?" she murmured."I believe you kissed me."His nearness coupled with the unexpected reminder of their embrace caused her hand to quiver just as she sliced the last stitch, giving him a small scrape."Ow! You did that on purpose!"Bronwyn jumped back. She was no longer nestled between his legs, but neither was she out of his reach. "I did no such thing. Besides,it is a small sratch, so stop disgracing yourself by acting so cowardly," she scolded, waving the sharp blade around as if it was another appendage."Cowardly?" Ranulf bellowed, as he jerked the knife out of her hand. "You, angel, should be thanking me for being damn near to a saint! You have to be one of the most difficult women I have ever met."Bronwyn's chin popped up angrily, her deep blue eyes flashing. "I'm not difficult. You're the one yelling." She turned, grabbed his tunic, and threw it at him. "I'm done.You can get dressed now.”
Michele Sinclair
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“I myself like..." She paused for a second straining to remember the young soldier's name that was at the gate. "Tory.He's...sweet. He could return to Syndlear with me tomorrow since you are on the mend."Ranulf's body instantly stiffened. He had not intended for his comment to be interpreted in such a way.Just the opposite. Instead of being flattered, she produced a name and offered to leave. Well,she wasn't going to leave in the morning,but Tory sure as hell was."What if my wound gets worse?" Ranulf posed gruffly."It is fine.""It may not be.Remember.I don't get fevers. I'm not like other men."You sure aren't, Bronwyn murmured to herself.”
Michele Sinclair
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“Why what,my lord?"She watched him look away and stare absentmindedly at the fire, but he refused to let go of her arm. She waited, enjoying the small pleasure of his touch,but after a moment, asked again. "Why what, my lord?"Ranulf didn't move,but in a low voice answered, "Pick one.Why did you return to Hunswick when you thought I was in danger? Why are you still here? Why did you stay with me last night? Why are you not frightened of my appearance when so many are?" Then his head swiveled around so his gaze could lock with hers. "But mostly I want to know why you kissed me.”
Michele Sinclair
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“I thought you'd sworn off marriage," Ranulf growled."Who said anything about marriage?" Tyr snapped back. "I just know that when a younger sister gets married,the older one might like some company and Bronwyn is one damn fine-looking woman.""Leave her alone, Tyr."The possessive growl in Ranulf's voice was unmistakable and undeniable. Tyr swung around abruptly and faced his friend from across the table. "I knew it!""Just what do you think you know?""Something happened between you two," Tyr answered,pointing at him. "No man-not even you-can spend a day and night with a woman that beautiful and not at least try to kiss her. Did you?""None of your business."Tyr let go a long low whistle. "So not only did you,but you enjoyed it.Enough to still be bothered.I'm kind of wishing it had been me up there instead."Ranulf moved toward the door. "I think your first inclinations about leaving Hunswick were good ones.Tell the queen I said hello."Tyr shook his head and leaned back against the table,crossing his arms. "I've changed my mind. Ranulf de Gunnar, the man who wanted no woman, suddenly has two.I'm staying.""Not if I send you away.”
Michele Sinclair
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“So if it wasn't fear or embarrassment,then it had to have been pride spurring her abrupt departure...and her parting words. At least,it better have been,because whether Bronwyn knew it or not, he was the last man she would ever know or touch.”
Michele Sinclair
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“Until then,will you stay?" he asked, pulling off his shirt before lying back down. "Will you talk to me? My head hurts and your voice calms me.”
Michele Sinclair
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“And you pride keeps you from doing anything absurd,I suppose."Ranulf eyed Bronwyn suspiciously. Their banter was the equivalent of foreplay, except he seemed to be the only one suppressing excitement. His angel just sat unperturbed and serene...almost too composed. "It helps.Just as the meat you ate last night.I smelled it on your fingers."Bronwyn felt her teeth grind as she shifted her clenched jaw. "As Advent is only required on three days of the week, I guess I was fortunate that I was able to consume the last of the lamb before Twelfthtide.""Making me unfortunate. But what about the exemption of children,the elderly, and the infirm?"The man was acting smug and causing her to react defensively. Bronwyn leaved over to pour herself some hot cider and then settled back in the hearth chair, slowly sipping the sweet drink. She glanced at him and then licked her lips and asked, "Oh,are you infirm?"Without blinking,Ranulf purred, "It depends."Bronwyn succumed to a shiver and looked away. She was playing with fire and needed to stop. "I suppose we could hunt for some barnacle geese. That should suffice for meat and still make Father Morrell happy.”
Michele Sinclair
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“What the..." Ranulf barked behind her. "Where's the meat? The butter?"Bronwyn smiled. It was going to be a hard few days for everyone at Hunswick,suddenly observing Advent, but it might inspire the new residents to not just enjoy the fruits of everyone's labor,but appreciate and contribute.Turning around,Bronwyn pasted on what she hoped to be an incredulous look and said, "During Advent Fast?Now,my lord, you wouldn't want others to think you a heathen."Ranulf picked up the mug,sniffed the tea with disdain,and put it back down before flopping into one of the hearth chairs. "I know a hell of a lot more about the topic than you.And I could care less about the opinion of others.""I doubt that," Bronwyn murmured, just loud enough for him to hear, "on either point."Ranulf leaned forward and grabbed the plate of fish and potatoes. He took several bites and waved his fork around the platter. "The Church calls for their followers to celebrate the season of Advent the four weeks before Christmas, which is nonsense because I know of no one who rejoices in the idea of starvation and...abstinence."Bronwyn's heartbeat suddenly doubled its pace and she had to fight to remain looking relaxed and unaffected. "I believe humility is a large purpose behind the fast.""And control," Ranulf replied with a grunt. "If I kept such an absurd custom, I and my men would have starved many a year.”
Michele Sinclair
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“It's too bad,my lord," she purred, "that you are too weak and vulnerable to satisfy me."Ranulf grabbed her wrist and wrenched it from his skin. He pulled her closer so that she stood in between his legs,her face near his. "And just what was it you desired?"Bronwyn licked her lips and Ranulf realized it was not his humiliation she sought,but to salvage some pride of her own. With his free arm,he reached up to pull on the shirt gathered around his neck. "Angel,I am getting up,and if the only thing I have on are my underclothes...so be it.”
Michele Sinclair
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“Now will you help me put on my shirt?" he bellowed,exasperated and more than a little embarrassed.Brownyn shook her head, her blue eyes large with apprehension. "I absolutely refuse to touch you."Anger flashed in his good eye and in its wake left a coldness that gave her chills. Whatever she had just said instantly changed his mood and the tenor of their quarrel. "Yes,you will, woman," he gritted out. "I am starving and have already skipped one meal listening to you babble about your desires,but I refuse to miss another.”
Michele Sinclair
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“Then you can eat in bed.I'll make you a plate and-""And the day I eat in bed I better be dying.Food leaves crumbs.That brings bugs and I happen to hate sharing my bed with anyone.”
Michele Sinclair
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“Just what we need.A dull-witted lord," Constance mused. "At least he doesn't seem menacing anymore."Just wait,old woman, and you will learn just how menacing this dull-witted lord can be, Ranulf promised.”
Michele Sinclair
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“Seeing the confounded look on the young soldier's face, Constance offered some advice. "You can try and follow, but you'll never catch her. And even if you did,you would then have to explain just why you thought her welfare more important than that of her sisters, which trust me,you don't want to have to defend. So if I were you,I would do as instructed and see to the safety of the group. For one thing is for certain, that doesn't include her ladyship anymore." Then she marched over to her horse,made a quick silent prayer,and struggled back onto the mare's back,cursing all the while.”
Michele Sinclair
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“I had about as much choice in leaving as you did.Someone must have told the new master what I was to you three,so after I warned him about the North Tower, he ordered me upon this beast and bade me to catch up to you.The man shouldn't be called Deadeye but Dead Fool.”
Michele Sinclair
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“Edythe;s vibrant red coloring and her petite stature drew men to her side...that is,until they discovered her sarcastic, cutting wit, which often focused on making them feel like idiots.”
Michele Sinclair
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“She loved her sisters.They were incredibly different.When Lily laughed, Edythe was serious, carefree versus introspective. They were alike in only one respect: They were both undeniably beautiful. And for Bronywyn, their beauty was both a blessing and a curse. Any man who had ever shown remotely any interest in her always ended up gravitating toward one of her youngest sisters. Through them she had been able to see men for who they really were. They had saved her from making many a mistake in her younger days when she still believed someone was coming...someone who would love her and only her.Someone who would be her hero.Someone like the ghost who had come to her rescue that very afternoon.”
Michele Sinclair
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“I wonder what kind of men we might encounter in Scotland.Perhaps the reason we have not found our anyone in England is because they have been waiting for us up north."Bryonwyn gave in to the compulsion to roll her eyes.Leave it to Lily to twist a situation into something positive-and related to love. "You will find admirers wherever you go.And you,too, Edythe, will be adored by many." Bronwyn added with confidence as she rose and went to the door, indicating that tonight's chat was over. Edythe shook her head. "Lily desires not a man, but an impossibility. A person just cannot be responsible and spontaneous at the same time.""Well,you drive all your men away with your seriousness," Lily countered, looking to Bronwyn for support as she strolled up to the door.Sighing,Bronwyn leaned against the jamb and picked up a lock of Lily's dark hair. "You,Lily,need to find a way to mature without losing your optimism,and Edythe,you set a standard so high and can be so critical of those who do not meet it."Edythe opened her mouth and then closed it as she joined Lily at the door. "And what about you?" she demanded. "And don't say you are alone because you lack beauty,for you could be quite pretty if you tried wearing something other than dreary colors and keeping your hair in a net all the time.""Unfair,because you know that I could do as you ask,change my clothes and hair,but it wouldn't matter.The kind of man I want doesn't want me," Bronwyn uttered matter-of-factly, making shooing motions to get them to leave.”
Michele Sinclair
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“The messenger came and told me that Father had died in an accident while at sea. But his dying wish was that Lily would marry the next Lord Anscombe. The king agreed and sent him north and he is due to arrive tomorrow.""Tomorrow?" Bronwyn whispered."Yes! Tomorrow!" Lily wailed. "The messenger called him Deadeye! He is due to arrive tomorrow and by night's end I will be his wife.Bronwyn, I can't! They say he looks like the walking dead,never sleeps,and cannot die.”
Michele Sinclair
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“But you know!" Lily exclaimed."I know about Father's death," Bronwyn crisply countered,wishing Lily had some ability to control her emotions. But it was like asking the rain to fall everywhere but a single spot.Futile.”
Michele Sinclair
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“I was given leave to choose any of Sir Laon le Breton's unwed daughters after the New Year,and I want you.""You can't have me," Bronwyn snarled. "My father...""Ah,yes.His absence was the reason I have not announced my claim sooner,but now that he is dead,I see no reason to delay any longer.You are mine, Lady Bronwyn.You always have been and always will be.I'm done waiting.”
Michele Sinclair
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“It's repulsive how you act around every two-legged mammal with a beard.""But it works," Lily returned with a large smile she knew would aggravate her sister. "You should try it, Edythe. God gave you everything needed to capture a man's eye,but then you open your mouth and drive anyone interested in you my way.If you could just learn to keep quiet.""Amazing,Lily,for that's my aadvice to you.And as far as driving men away,first there would have to be someone to repel.Not one man of marrying age or eligibility has visited since Father left, and secondly, if a man can be so easily intimidated, I wouldn't want him for a dinner companion,let alone a husband."Lily rolled her eyes,their light shadowy color made only more piercing by her fair skin and dark hair. "You don't intimidate,Edythe. You insult.""And you,Lily, think anything that isn't dripping with flattery and praise is an insult.”
Michele Sinclair
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“I think you use people's reactions as a test...And it is unfair."Unfair! The man had no diea what the word meant. He possessed his limbs and all his senses. He had a beautiful life,friends,and family. Ranulf neither sought nor wanted pity, for life could have issued a much harsher sentence to be endured,but neither did he need the scorn and antipathy that came from people's unreasonable fear. And if boldly displaying his injury kept people away,the better. "A test that you might have prematurely passed," Ranulf gritted out.”
Michele Sinclair
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“Bronwyn is very much like myself, in both looks and temperament.""Then she likes to command and manipulate those around he," Ranulf interjected to prove he was listening.Laon sent him a slicing glance before answering. "Aye,and if you think me stubborn and relentless, you will rediscover the meaning if you and my eldest daughter ever disagree upon something.And prepare to lose,for even if you are right,she will wear you down until you find yourself acquiescing on the one point you swore never to concede," Laon cackled,obviously recalling one or two times in which she had bested him.Then his voice changed. "But I thank the Lord for her steadfastness and prudence. With my absence,I suspect all have been looking to her for guidance,and they were right to do so," he breathed softly. "Though no man would want her,she is strong in spirit and in mind and the only person I would trust to ensure her sisters are safe and well.""Which one is Eydthe?""My middle child.She is small, but don't let that deceive you when you meet her.She inherited her Scottish grandmother's temper as well as her dark red hair.Of all of my daughters, her mind is the sharpest,but so is her tongue.It is my youngest,Lily,that I worry about the most when it comes to your men," Laon sighed. "She is the spitting image of her mother.Tall and slender with long dark raven hair and gray eyes,she snatches the soul of every man who looks upon her."And as if he could read Ranulf's mind,he added, "And her disposition is just as sweet.She sees only the good things in life and,as a consequence, brings joy wherever she goes."Ranulf conscientiously fought to refrain from showing his true reaction-nausea.”
Michele Sinclair
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“So tell me about your eldest daughter. I assume you will say she is blond, blue-eyed,and beautiful beyond compare.""Ranulf,you are far too cynical.""You have said so before.So speak. Tell me of your temptresses and how their beauty can ensnare my men with a mere glimpse.""And for that last sarcastic remark, I shall describe them in detail,and maybe someday you,too,will have daughters and understand the fear that lurks in my aged heart.”
Michele Sinclair
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“Your perception is correct.I am what you describe.""Which one?The gruff fool or the fair wise man?" Laon inquired,simultaneously releasing a half smile.Ranulf cocked his right brow.It had been a long time since he had done any self-examination, and last time he had,the cpnclusion had been unsettling. "I do not know myself. I probably have the capacity to be either...depending on the conversation.""Fair answer.I think I might like you yet, my lord.”
Michele Sinclair
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“Have you decided upon my character, or do you need more time?”
Michele Sinclair
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“So you did see me.""Studying your hard-earned prize from afar? Yes, I knew.I make it a point to know where my enemies are," Ranulf replied, keeping his focus on the afternoon horizon.Detachment, not animosity,laced his tone.”
Michele Sinclair
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