Michelle Cornwell-Jordan is a New Adult(18+)/Young Adult Author, who enjoys writing Paranormal, Dark Contemporary Fiction, Fantasy and Steampunk!:)
To find out more about Michelle's books please visit her website/links and also for updates, first peeks and giveaways join MCJordanBook's monthly email newsletter!
Author website: http://michellecjordan.wix.com/author#
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Happy reading!
“I'm like any other kid; I've seen the monsters in the closet and under the bed. The only difference between me and other kids is...the monsters are afraid of me..." (Angel)Night School: A Dasheen "Angel" Vampire Hunter novel”
“When choosing between doing the thing you want to do, and need to do...just like momma always says...Eat your spinach first, then you can enjoy your desert:)”