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Michelle Diener

Michelle Diener is a bestselling, award-winning author of historical fiction, science fiction and fantasy. Having worked in publishing and IT, she's now very happy crafting new worlds and interesting characters.

Michelle was born in London and currently lives in Australia with her husband and two children.

When she's not writing, or driving her kids from activity to activity, you can find her online at Twitter and Facebook.

“She smiled at the idea of being a captive princess in the rookeries, or a restrained mouse in the glitter of the ton.”
Michelle Diener
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“You're a hope-killer. 'Cause at least if you'd done it on your back, that's something we c'n understand. Something we c'n do ourselves. But kindness? Luck like that-- it's a million-to-one chance, and you already took the one chance going.”
Michelle Diener
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“Of anyone, I know better than most we are what we make ourselves.”
Michelle Diener
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“He was all but shouting, stalking toward her. He grabbed her arms and gave her a little shake. "This time, the bastards don't win. I win.""What do you win?" she whispered.He bent his head and crushed his lips to hers.”
Michelle Diener
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“I think he's quite aware , as is everyone here, that you don't need to worm your way into my bed, Miss Raven." He stepped away from her. "You need only crook your finger and I would be ripping your clothes off your body.”
Michelle Diener
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“She hadn't seen him since yesterday, and Charlotte did not understand the sensation that gripped her at the sight of him.As if she were a lightning rod, waiting for the storm above to strike. As if she had lost all control over her life and was thrown into chaos.”
Michelle Diener
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