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Michelle Geaney

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Born: 05/05/1984

Native of Kilworth, Fermoy, County Cork, Republic of Ireland.

Featured in anthologies since age 14.

First collection published Christmas 2009

Launch date 6th January 2010

Favourite authors: James Patterson,Nicholas Sparks and Jodi Picoult.

Inspiration: Love and Living.

“My job as a poet, is not to succumb to despair but to find in words, an antidote for the emptiness of existence.”
Michelle Geaney
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“If you can live without certain people-You should!!”
Michelle Geaney
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“Whispers of a forgotten shoreWhen I die, throw my ashes to the wind…Let it carry me along as my heart will lead my soul,to the places that took my breath away.Let it blow me about to return to those places..That I swore were so magical I would return,But have not,Let those forgotten shores, forgotten places,Be reunited with my eyes,The splendour and the overwhelming feeling of sheer happiness,Etch into my soul as I pass through one heaven into the nextWhere I shall live for eternityKnowing I made a promise and kept it,I forgot nothing,I left nothing behind,My loved ones will greet me or follow me,My broken promises were fixed,And the screams in my ears of a conscience I couldn’t escape,Faded to whispers,Till one day I shall return to Earth in a new vessel,Reborn to live and suffer and wish this wish of mine all over again,Knowing the fulfillment of being forever free….”
Michelle Geaney
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“Dance me slowly along a moonlit path,Soaked with light from moon and stars above,Hold my hand and whistle a tune,Dance me slowly to the edge of Love.Waltz here with me on forest grass,Soft ballet pirouettes round sun dappled trees,Hold my hand and hum a tune,Catch my freshly blown kiss off the breeze.”
Michelle Geaney
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“Grab me, kiss me, waltz me, and love me,I adore thee cherish thee absolutely love thee,Come let’s take to the floor 'Neath a chandelier of stars from above,And dance me slowly to the edge of love.”
Michelle Geaney
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“Put your arms around my waist,Hold me close for a kiss and savour the taste,I love you now I love you true,Can I drown please in your eyes so blue?Let’s hang our hearts on a crescent moon,And skinny-dip in starlit lakes to loves sweet tune,Let’s dance on boithrins grassy line,And waltz 'Neath the canopied leaves of nature fine.Lets sit afore fires on a winters nightLet me read you poetry aloud by candlelight,Let’s lay under the skylight and tell constellations apart,And I’ll remind you of the place you have in my heart.”
Michelle Geaney
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“Avoiding Shipwreck Let me emblazon your name upon The blue sky, because I love you. I wish to please you, In any way, as many ways as I can….I will etch your name into the sand, Because I adore you.I shall conduct the early birds dawn chorus,Because you make MY heart sing just so. I want you and I to sit And watch the sun come up, Creating that warm glow that you emit, Because you love me.”
Michelle Geaney
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“As the seasons age us I close my eyes and wish for snowAlas the Irish seasons been foretoldFor Spring will dawn and I will goInto another season Jack Frost cold.And when its here, I wish for nightAs childhood memories flash right byTo see the birds in humble flightI wish for Summer with a sighAnd on I go to months so sweetDawns sweet chorus and sunbeams brightI yearn for Autumn leaves under feetYet now I dream of Winters nightAs Auld Lang Syne rings in New YearAlas! I’m one year older as Spring draws near.”
Michelle Geaney
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“Forever could be too little time,coz every time I get to know you more I learn something that makes this love feel new. I have learned that love is constant and however long you love someone you realize Everyday is a new day in Love”
Michelle Geaney
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“I'll either make it or I wont:But I'm sure gonna try”
Michelle Geaney
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“Basically, I dont want to know everything:I just want to know enough!”
Michelle Geaney
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“Inhale thy fill of lovesweet essence,My fire burns within thy presence”
Michelle Geaney
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“I look out my window at the blue sky,The white clouds,and the green leaves of the Rustling trees,And I realize i'm already in Heaven”
Michelle Geaney
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“To Love...Is to fight......To defend........To Conquer.......”
Michelle Geaney
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“Dying is losing your means of Transport,Not your soul or Self.”
Michelle Geaney
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“Its the body grows older...The Mind grows wiser...stronger...”
Michelle Geaney
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“Life does not wait for us to live it,It Lives while we wait for it to happen”
Michelle Geaney
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“I have got a blessing,A message from God above,And as I unwrapped it,I realized that it was Love”
Michelle Geaney
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“Falling into the dark recesses of my own mind,To find that feeling that will be my Greatest”
Michelle Geaney
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“Oh to Dream.....To lay with you in meadows,Baked with the warmth of togetherness......”
Michelle Geaney
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“Nothing is more dazzling than the smile upon your face”
Michelle Geaney
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“We have travelled this world to a bittersweet love song:Take my hand and lets carry on....Do my eyes deceive me or do you grow more wonderful each day?After all these years of love you're more fantastic today than the day we met.And...you were quite fantastic then....I Love you still”
Michelle Geaney
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“You are so far high up in my world,My own personal astrologer found a new star.”
Michelle Geaney
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“If Love passes you by,Chase it...... I did.If Love is drowning you,Swim to the top.... we did.If Love is growing,Grow with it... We are.”
Michelle Geaney
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“Why not paint your own sky,and not leave it to others to add colour to your canvas?Why not take the brush,Point it at the canvas,and create your own Masterpiece.”
Michelle Geaney
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“Life is a dance,You waltz or you Rumba,ChaCha or Salsa,But whatever you do,Make sure you know the stepsEven if you have to make up your own.”
Michelle Geaney
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“If someone tells you,that you are their world:Take it as an insult...This means that you are round and fat,Full of wind and air,and you always let people walk all over you”
Michelle Geaney
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“Why live by the rules in the Church, when the church rules against everything you live for?”
Michelle Geaney
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“Why be normal, Like most others:When you crave to be an individual?”
Michelle Geaney
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“The most uplifting music in the world is that of Mother Natures orchestra. Sit atop a hill or mountain, with a fabulous view and listen.....Hear the winds song, the birds chorus, and the far off sound of childrens laughter and song and the sounds of life that you can soundtrack to your own playlists.”
Michelle Geaney
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“Jealousy is the weapon of Distrust”
Michelle Geaney
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“Life will just not wait for us to live it:We are in it, now, and Now is the time to Live”
Michelle Geaney
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“Some flowers bloom beneath the biggest blue,while others prefer the shade;As is Human Nature.....Some turn their faces to the sunwhile others seek solitude.But no matter where you wish to stand;Stand Straight and Stand tall.”
Michelle Geaney
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“Life IS the gift you were given,So stop waiting around for your dues.Use it wisely and you’ll gift yourself abundantly.”
Michelle Geaney
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“There's a story that needs to be told : and as its mine I am the only one who can tell it right”
Michelle Geaney
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“Love is like a pair of Levis without all the seams it is not a pair of Levis”
Michelle Geaney
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“When you arise and you can only see the rains Remind yourself that within you lies eternal sunshine”
Michelle Geaney
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“‎'You know your in Love when you sing a song without air or grace, but the one you adore hears its Sweet Melody ”
Michelle Geaney
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“Mothers are the diamonds that God gave us when we were born”
Michelle Geaney
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“In this Fragile world,Crystals won’t do….I just want you to hold.”
Michelle Geaney
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“It may be a tough world, but its a magical world;Where a mere sunset will make you smile....Amidst all the hardships, When the life you want to live seems a strange place,Be the first to chart this new territory;And leave a clear path for others to follow,They will follow.........You do not have to fell the pressure to lead....You merely followed the horizon where the sun set,which became a beautiful sunrise...Your Sunrise.....”
Michelle Geaney
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“You control your own destiny. Never let anyone put you in a box and say 'This is your space'; You have the whole world to choose from. If you have something to say, say it. Live your life as you want to live it, not how others perceive your life to be lived. Take control. Today.”
Michelle Geaney
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