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Michelle Paver

Michelle Paver was born in central Africa, but came to England as a child. After gaining a degree in biochemistry from Oxford University, she became a partner in a city law firm, but eventually gave that up to write full-time.

The hugely successful Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series arose from Michelle's lifelong passion for animals, anthropology and the distant past—as well as an encounter with a large bear in a remote valley in southern California. To research the books, Michelle has traveled to Finland, Greenland, Sweden, Norway, Arctic Canada and the Carpathian Mountains. She has slept on reindeer skins, swum with wild orca (killer whales), and got nose-to-nose with polar bears—and, of course, wolves.

“You cannot go and warn him," Saeunn said sternly. "It is too late. You would never find him.""I know," said Renn without turning her head.To herself she added, But I've still got to try.”
Michelle Paver
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“Toark woke with a jolt from a sleep he'd never meant to have.”
Michelle Paver
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“Sometimes there's no warning. Nothing at all. ”
Michelle Paver
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“Vengeance burns,Torak." said Fin-Kedinn as the river bore him away. "It burns your heart. It makes the pain worse. Dont let that happen to you.”
Michelle Paver
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“Fear is the loneliest feeling. You can be in a throng of people, but if you're afraid, you're on your own.”
Michelle Paver
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“Evil exists in us all, Torak. Some fight it. Some feed it. That's how it's always been.”
Michelle Paver
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“There's always a choice,' said Torak, and walked backward off the cliff.”
Michelle Paver
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