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Michelle Trempe

Born July 23rd, 1984- I grew up in a small town of Brampton, Ontario located just outside of Toronto. Raised by both parents Art & Nancy, I had a loving family atmosphere shared with my older brother Art. I was socialized as a child and placed in various sports compromised of; baseball, hockey, and soccer. This passed a lot of my off time outside of school during the off summer months, and the long winter season.

I graduated in June of 2002 at the age of seven-teen; remaining undecided about my future career choice of study. I decided to take a year off from school, and work for a local company in Brampton. Taking one year off, turned into seven long years of frustration followed by disappointment after most watching most of my friends graduating from University and College with a diploma, ready to start working in their careers.

At the age of twenty-four on a cold March night, I came across my grade-eight year book while I was cleaning out my closet. Curious to look back at the girl I was four-teen years ago, and compare her to the women I was now I opened the book, and flipped through the ruffled pages; flipping to a section titled ‘my goals.’ Astonished with amazement at a list of ten goals I planned to complete before I was twenty-five, I read down the current list from

one to ten:

One- Move away from Brampton- Not-accomplished yet.

Two-Live in another province, other than Ontario before turning twenty-five- Not accomplished yet.

Three-Find true love, with someone who loves me- Unsure as to whether I have accomplished yet.

Four- Write a full-length book- Not accomplished yet.

Five- Publish a full-length book others can learn from- Not accomplished yet.

Six- Be engaged to the ‘man’ of my dreams before I am thirty- Not accomplished yet.

Seven- Plan a destination wedding; only if I have never travelled outside of Canada- Not accomplished yet.

Eight- Have a child with a husband I love, and have a loving family alike the one I was raised in- Not accomplished yet.

Nine- Have a family pet we can all love together- Not accomplished yet.

Ten- Never forget where I come from, because no matter how far I am at distance, I am still close to heart- Not accomplished yet.

After reading through all of my goals, and realizing I have accomplished none; this made me ponder over the next several months ahead. I thought long and hard about what I wanted to do with my life.

At the age of twenty-five in September of 2009; I made a very risky move to Winnipeg, Manitoba. I decided removing my-self from a life I have known my entire life, and re-locating to a new life unknown would help me discover my true calling.

I lived in Winnipeg for the next two and a half years; living a life completely different from the safe one I knew my whole life. I was not in the greatest financial situation, and sometimes I was un-certain of how I was going to pay hydro, or whether or not I could afford water. These where all new things in life I have never been faced with before, but I persevered through the hard times ahead, and came out on top after I came across some old files on my 1988 PC.

In November of 2011 I dedicated two months of review, and editing of my first completed book ‘The Secret of Arden’ book one of eight in my; Rare Blood-line Series of adult books. At the end of December I submitted a Query, and Synopsis to several Publishers. By the second week of January 2012 I received several responses from interested Publishers requesting my full manuscript.

I moved to Fort McMurray, Alberta in February 2012; with the sole purpose of finding a better paying job, and establishing a career in the Trucking industry. To my surprise I received an offer from a smaller Publisher in the States offering to take on my career as a writer. I immediately signed with A-Argus Better Book Publishers and began my long-career ahead.

I launched my first Published book ‘The Secret of Arden,’ on July 5th 2012, and am c

“To love in one, I will die with no other, the wind will carry us forever!”
Michelle Trempe
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