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Mickie Turk

Born and raised in Minneapolis, Mickie Turk has worked independently and commercially in film, photography and journalism, for the past 20 years. She wrote, directed and produced several films, both short and feature-length narratives and documentaries. Wayward Girls, which appeared in festivals and on PBS, can be found in libraries across the United States and Canada.

Between 1992 and 2004, Mickie traveled extensively to photograph and film. Included were four trips to Cuba-during the last expedition she brought back a rare Cuban shorts film festival to show at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design-a gazillion times to New Orleans and the south generally, and to visit family in Russia and Ukraine.

In the past eight years, Mickie completed three novels, several feature-length screenplays, a variety of short stories and memoirs, and continues to write for a number of Minnesota journals.

One of Mickie's favorite activities is keeping up with her globetrotting daughter, whose travels have included Peace Corps service in Bulgaria and teaching English in South Korea.

“If you find yourself in a room full of unkind and stingy looks and words, leave at once and search for a smart room -- that's where thoughtful and generous people gather.”
Mickie Turk
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