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Mike Wech

Originally from Buffalo, New York, Mike grew up with the Buffalo Bills and Buffalo Sabres heartbreaking losses, which may have led him to write horror for his debut novel.

Surviving a near death experience, a debilitating car accident and a career in Hollywood, Mike has maintained his persistence to overcome obstacles and pursue his passion for telling stories that transcend time.

Mike strives to bring a unique edge to his writing to tell stories in creative new ways. He loves thinking outside the box to bring readers something new which captures the imagination and engulfs the reader in the experience.

As a professional Filmmaker and Film/TV Editor, Mike has worked with some of Hollywood's Top Talent. He has been developing new technology to create a more immersive theatrical experience for the SEVEN-X Film Franchise, teaming up with Award Winning Engineers, Technicians and Producers to bring Next Generation 3D Film to the big screen.

Learn more about the SEVEN-X Franchise at www.seven-x.com

Follow SEVEN-X on Facebook at www.facebook.com/sevenx.volume1

Follow Mike on twitter: www.twitter.com/mikewech @mikewech

Learn more about the SEVEN-X Franchise at www.seven-x.com

Follow SEVEN-X on Facebook at www.facebook.com/sevenx.volume1

Follow Mike on twitter: www.twitter.com/mikewech @mikewech

“We all draw different lines. Sometimes they intersect. Sometimes they don’t. We agree on forms of evil, but judge degrees of it, saying only the worst of humanity is truly bad. And everything along the grey lines is subject to opinion.”
Mike Wech
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