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Millicent Ashby

“I keep going;I keep writing because I know something good will happen, and I want to see it when it happens.”
Millicent Ashby
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“What, has a goddess got your tongue?”
Millicent Ashby
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“Both of you know that one of you will get hurt if you keep this up.”“I can’t stay away from her,” I said, curling my fist.”
Millicent Ashby
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“Jane Greyson had once told me that my voice was one of the Ancients—old and wise.”
Millicent Ashby
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“I covered my eyes with my hand. Please don’t let it be what I think it is. “It isn’t babysitting again, is it?” I asked in a squeaky voice. Oh dear, please don’t let him hear what I’d said.”
Millicent Ashby
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“I decided the reason why Luccas rushed off was he was allergic to the food that they had brought out. Not paying compliments to the decorations, I poked at the squid with a fork making sure it was dead. Yuck, it reminded me of squid shaped spaghetti. My mind imagined it struggling to break free from my fork. Its legs flopped back and forth, to the sides almost as if it danced. Then to eat it while it squirmed after every bite; chomp, chomp, chomp. On the other hand, you could also eat it raw, but I suppose that was where the squirming comes in. Hmm. . . Any who... Before we get off topic, I finally ate it. Yes, even with the gross images in mind.”
Millicent Ashby
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“We walked into the arena together with him reaching out his arm and wrapping it around my waist. He pulled me into him, smelling the aroma around him. The scent was familiar like I was with him before. Although I was positive that I’d never seen this man, something still ached at me. Was it a longing of a piece of my past starting to take effect?”
Millicent Ashby
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“Wounds that haven’t healed properly still hurt you. You pretend to allow them faze you, but I see past the mask. Shame, that a pretty woman like you has to perish by fire.” Cain shrugged. “I’m surprised they didn’t burn you in the witch trials.” He shook his head as if he corrected himself. “No, what am I saying? You were with Saain during that time.”
Millicent Ashby
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“You always have choices,” the teen placed her hands on her hips. “You just choose to disobey.”I wanted to strangle her, yet I lifted an eyebrow to her claim. It would have been a mess anyway. “Oh? And how do you explain the matter at River Park?”The question perked Jane to ask, “What incident at River Park?”The teen’s face whitened, her eyes bulged like pool balls. “I thought we’d agreed to not mention it!”“We did,” I said, casually. “But you should’ve known better than to trust a demon.”
Millicent Ashby
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“Good job,” Alyx snapped. “You’re very intelligent, Raye. You almost hit mom’s car.”
Millicent Ashby
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“The man went to the controls, looking up at me, flaring his nostrils to my actions. His voice was like a voice under water. “We’ll see what becomes of your rebellious nature when you lose your memories, Rei Lin.” He punched a few buttons and turned the knob on the wall to the right.”
Millicent Ashby
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“I refuse to give up when things go wrong because there is always a sliver lining behind the cloud.”
Millicent Ashby
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“There is a difference between an author and a writer. The author never gives up when things go wrong, but the writer does.”
Millicent Ashby
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“I will always love being a writer. There is nothing greater than that.”
Millicent Ashby
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“Sometimes the writer has to learn the hard way of creating a bad work to become a best-seller yet doesn't surrender to the negative where other writers will.”
Millicent Ashby
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