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Anyone Can Write

Frankly, never comes to my mind to work as writer before. Although I have published some books and scripts, that’s because God give chance to me to work. I learn writing by myself, and when I do it, I find out that this is not to difficult. I believe that beside talent, when we have chance and will, anyone can write, doesn’t care whether the result will be published or can be enjoyed by yourselves or with your nearest people.

When I was in school, I have some friends who wrote and shared among us. And, really that was an interesting experience, we could share a little of happiness while we spoke up our mind honestly.

Again, I believe anyone can write.

Therefore, this corner is available for you and me, every one of us. To share the story, tips and experience. I will start with my own experience, and maybe later some of you might add or delete it. Good luck and thanks.

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