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Milly Johnson

Milly Johnson was born in Barnsley, raised in Barnsley and still lives in Barnsley. She writes about strong women, often having a renaissance, all ages and has just released her 20th novel, Together Again. Do check out her latest blog and her website for up to date news and appearance dates.

As well as a novelist she is a professional joke writer, performance poet, newspaper and magazine columnist and also after dinner/motivational speaker which she enjoys doing alongside writing novels.

She is on insta as @themillyjohnson, facebook as @millyjohnsonauthor, Twitter as @millyjohnson and a ridiculous presence on TikTok @millyjohnsonauthor. Do give her a follow - even if it's just out of sympathy!

“De twee vrouwen namen een grote hap spaghetti en de ober koos precies dat moment uit om terug te wippen en te vragen of alles naar wens was, waarop ze beiden hevig knikten en oergeluiden maakten. "Dat leren ze op de oberschool," zei Stevie nadat ze doorgeslikt had. "Wachten tot iedereen de mond vol heeft gepropt en het dan vragen. Dat vinden ze gewéldig. Het hoogtepunt van hun werk.”
Milly Johnson
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