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Milly Silver

I'm the British author of the exciting YA series INTO THE DARK #1-4 and a brand-new NA romantic comedy, HOTTER THAN HOT due for release in 2013.

I love writing YA, NA, love & romance, action & adventure, fantasy and sci fi. You know? All the great stuff you love!

I live with my family in Cheshire, in the UK. I'm currently writing my next series, and eating my own body weight in passionfruit sorbet.

Thanks for stopping by.

Milly x

P.S. Please write a quick review of my books. Your reviews really make a HUGE difference to Indie Authors. Many thanks. x

P.P.S. To find out more about my projects, get exact dates on new releases or post your questions or comments, friend me on:

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“It wasn't premeditated. It was what needed to be done. So I did it.”
Milly Silver
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“The waiter repeated, "The cocktails are from Mr Seadon. He asked me to tell you that he thought you'd enjoy them. They are called Secrets.”
Milly Silver
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“Susie and Pippa clinked their glasses together. I followed suit, but my heart wasn't in it anymore. It had already left the building.”
Milly Silver
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“Out of misery, comes unexpected joy.”
Milly Silver
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