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Minette Walters

Minette Walters (born 26 September 1949) is a British mystery writer. After studying at Trevelyan College, University of Durham, she began writing in 1987 with The Ice House, which was published in 1992. She followed this with The Sculptress (1993), which received the 1994 Edgar Award for Best Novel. She has been published in 35 countries and won many awards.

The Sculptress has been adapted for television in a BBC series starring Pauline Quirke. Her novels The Ice House, The Echo, The Dark Room, and The Scold's Bridle have also been adapted by the BBC.

“It's [the word “sorry”] the most infuriating word in the English language. Just a cheap way to behave badly then shelve responsibility by putting the onus on the other person to be forgiving.”
Minette Walters
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“It was a slaughterhouse, the most horrific scene I have ever witnessed...”
Minette Walters
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“Life is pure farce from beginning to end, with a littleblack comedy thrown in for shade. If it was anythingelse, mankind would have stuck his collective head inthe gas oyen years ago. No one could tolerate seventyyears of tragedy. When I die - probably of cancer -Jane has prornised to put on my tombstone: "Herelies Anne Cattrell who laughed her way through it.The joke was on her but at least she knew it." (The Ice House)”
Minette Walters
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