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Mireille Chester

Born in Ontario, Canada, Mireille Chester now resides in the beautiful province of Saskatchewan. Wife, mother, author, woods sprite, food lover; she has many hats she loves to fill. A trucker’s wife, she is mom to an emo skater princess, a gaming enthusiast, and a fisherman with cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and autism.

When not writing, her days are spent hiking, fishing, camping, reading, and watching movies with her family.

Mireille is a fantasy author who loves to spend time in made up worlds filled with magic. She is a firm believer that no hero is perfect and that all villains are burdened with a tiny shred of humanity. Whether writing adult or YA, paranormal, apocalyptic, or epic fantasy, her goal is always to take her readers on an adventure they won’t forget.

“I was giddy with relief and I started to giggle again. "If you're sorry, then I'm sorry.""Why would you be sorry? You were upstairs!""Well, they were here for me, weren't they? It's my fault everyone breaks your nose and tries to kill you."He took a deep breath to object and started to laugh. "I'll give you that one. But don't worry, I don't mind.”
Mireille Chester
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“What was it you told me before you crossed back here the last time? Ah, yes. I think it went along the lines of 'geez, Jasper, it's way safer over there than over here!'" His sky blue eyes were filled with amusement. "The last time you crossed, I found you on the verge of being raped. Now this time around, we're here just over amonth and you manage to get held up at knifepoint.”
Mireille Chester
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“When they killed my family, they may as well have killed me, Hayden. I was fourteen when I killed my first man. I wasn't even of age. All I could think about was what he had done to my mother, my father, my sister and my brother. That was all I could see. Luke found out who they were and we took care of them. I spent the next sixteen years doint the same thing. I don't think I was alive. I died that night."I never worried going into battles. I never cared what would happen if I jumped into an ambush. How could I die if I was already dead?"I reached back and pulled his head down so that it was against mine. His arms tightened around me."But then one day, I looked down a hill and saw this most beautiful woman. I looked into those unbelievable eyes and my heart jumped. When you kissed me by the lake it started to beat again. You're the one who brought me back to life, Hayden, and now that I'm alive again, I'm terrified.”
Mireille Chester
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“William gave a hard laugh. "Is that how you treat family around here? You kidnap her from her husband, lock her up in a cell then expect her to wipe out everyone she loves because some quack job who isn't even from here thinks he can pay god? I don't know about you, but that doesn't sound very brotherly to me." He gently took my arm and pulled me away from Brice. "Now. I think I heard the lady ask you to leave.”
Mireille Chester
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“We're not arguing about it, Shawn. We're staying."Shawn stared at her with narrowed eyes. Jasper burst out laughing. I elbowed him."What's so funny?""You. Both of you. Do they raise you to be like that? By the moons, I feel sorry for every man that lives over there!”
Mireille Chester
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“I tend to forget how important she is." Jasper looked into his brother's brown eyes and remembered when they had sat and talked when they were young. "I mean, I know how important she is to me. If something were to happen to her, I may as well let the same happen to me. But it's easy to forget why she is here. That she didn't just come back to make me happy.”
Mireille Chester
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“More than anything in this world or the one you just came from," he whispered. "That's how much I love you.”
Mireille Chester
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“I can't lose you," he whispered. "The thought of you getting hurt, or worse..." His voice caught in his throat. He took a deep breath then turned and looked down at me. "I finally just found you.”
Mireille Chester
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“What's Shlova?"He started behind me. "When did I say that?""This morning, when we started off. Before you got mad at Dodge. You said,'we better get going, Shlova'.""Oh. Well, it means love." His voice was quiet.”
Mireille Chester
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“Well, no. I'm not saying I'm not enjoying this immensely. She feels heavenly in my arms. Fits perfectly. And if we are fated, the least you can do is let me hold her." Jasper to Dodge (Crossover)”
Mireille Chester
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