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Mireille Guiliano

Internationally best-selling author Mireille Guiliano was for over 20 years the spokesperson for Champagne Veuve Clicquot and a senior executive at LVMH as well as CEO of Clicquot, Inc., the US firm she helped found in 1984 and was its first employee. Her first book, French Women Don't Get Fat: The Secret of Eating for Pleasure, became a runaway best seller around the globe in 2005. She followed up this book in fall 2006 with French Women for All Seasons: A Year of Secrets, Recipes and Pleasure. In both, through her personal stories and illustrations, she espouses living life to the fullest by embracing quality, sensitivity, seasonality and pleasure while maintaining a healthy equilibrium.

In September 2008, Hilary Swank's production company bought the film rights to French Women Don't Get Fat; the plan is to make a romantic comedy with Mireille's famous French lifestyle message. The script is being adapted and should be ready soon. Stay tuned!

Please visit her book's website at:


“French women eat and serve what's in season, for maximum flavor and value, and know availability does not equal quality.”
Mireille Guiliano
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“French women love bread and would never consider a life without carbs.”
Mireille Guiliano
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“French women typically think about good things to eat. American women typically worry about bad things to eat.”
Mireille Guiliano
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“Expose them {your kids} to the widest variety of vegetables and fruits, showing them how good things can be in season. Tasteless fruits and vegetables won't win them over for life.”
Mireille Guiliano
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“A meal that can be packed and frozen and thawed is nothing you should desire--much less teach your kids to want.”
Mireille Guiliano
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“We can't imagine anything more boring than to live with someone who doesn't care about food or eating or sharing meals.”
Mireille Guiliano
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“French women don't eat Wonder Bread.”
Mireille Guiliano
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“I would advocate that chocolate be covered by health insurance, but that is admittedly a very French public policy perspective.”
Mireille Guiliano
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“Making choices that are meaningful to you is the essence of the French woman's secret.”
Mireille Guiliano
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“Ever since that day in Chicago, whenever I see such scenes, I think of a quote by Billat-Savarin, the eighteenth-century 'modern' gastronome, well known for his writings and meditations on the physiology of taste and for his famous dictum 'We are what we eat.' But he also wrote even more revealingly: 'The destiny of a nation depends on how it feeds itself.”
Mireille Guiliano
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“Tout est question d'équilibre”
Mireille Guiliano
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“~....value simplicity in all things, never serve any aperitif but Champagne. Hard liguor requires a bar, special paraphernalia, and a variety of glasses, as well as messy shaking or stirring. More important, it numbs more than it tickles the taste buds. When you've spent time and money preparing delicious food for your guests, the last thing you want is to render them unable to taste it. That will eliminate one of the most important topics of conversation!~”
Mireille Guiliano
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“~Garbage in, garbage out~”
Mireille Guiliano
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“~There are no recipes, only ingredients~”
Mireille Guiliano
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