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M.K. McDaniel

M. K. McDaniel (Michele) lives in a small rural town in Nevada with her husband, 8 Pembroke Welsh Corgis and a cat. A devout Corgi lover, Michele spends a good deal of any spare time with her Corgis when she's not writing. Her writing career began early when she day-dreamed stories regarding a certain hippopotamus named "Mrs. Hippo", "Teddy" the teddy bear, and "Phoebe Beebe", a rather darling stuffed monkey. In the second grade, after mastering the art of print, she began putting those stories to paper. Her first big break came when her teacher, Mrs. Wills of Mistletoe Elementary School, allowed her to skip her other lessons because she loved to write stories. Unfortunately, this special privilege was short-lived when her parents discovered her low grades in her other courses. Michele's writings included published college papers, stories, poems, and in 2011 she published, "Nina Beana and the Owenroake Treasure Hunters". Her love for writing has continued throughout her life and will continue in the Nina Beana Series.

“Chapter 9 - Marissa's Lake:“We’ve got incoming,” said Benter scrambling up, grabbing Jake’s arm and running back into the snake tunnel almost dragging Jake until he righted himself and jerked loose from Benter’s hold. At a dead run, they rounded the bend that had previously led to the red sky. The crashing noise of falling rock echoed by them and they backed up to the side of the tunnel. Benter held his finger up to his mouth. He slowly edged forward to peek back beyond the bend. The colossal dragon tried to dig and burn its way into the tunnel, but it was ten times the size of the tunnel opening. The beast inhaled a deep breath, seemingly to suck every bit of air from the tunnel. Benter felt himself breathe harder, becoming lightheaded. The dragon continued to inhale and Benter realized the exhale would be a huge fire bomb. “RUN!” yelled Benter, but Jake had read his mind and was already ahead of him running as fast as he could. Within seconds of their exit the dragon released the fire missile and great licking flames raced towards them in a hungry fervor.”
M.K. McDaniel
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“Chapter 8 - The Rescue Team: "Timbroke Hall was completely dark. A creaking shutter opened and closed to the rhythm of a howling, north wind. It bore a cold reminder of the harsh winter coming quickly this year. The children crept up the rock stairs to the familiar wooden doors at the front of the building. Ariana led them around the porch to a side door according to her, was never locked. The broken handle dangled loosely and offered free entrance. The team cautiously crossed the threshold of the old hall into pitch blackness. An owl hooted and the sound of large wings flapping reverberated around them. Camilla startled, cried out a fearful yelp causing everyone to jump. Hannah reflexively covered Camilla’s mouth until she was certain nothing more would slip out. “Quiet,” whispered Jess in an angry tone directed at Hannah. “It wasn’t me,” whispered Hannah pointing down at Camilla. “Sorry,” whispered Camilla apologetically.”
M.K. McDaniel
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“Chapter 3, The Dark Forest....The sound of flowing water echoed in the distance and then the path converged upon a creek full of fast, rippling, white water cascading over brown and red colored rocks. Moss dangled across the pathway and swung back and forth as the trespassers moved under the green vegetation. Bright yellow fingers of sunlight attempted to filter through the dense tundra to touch the moist earth until finally, the appendages of light disappeared completely. “Come children, this way,” called Mrs. Beetle leading her group over a moldy, moss-laden, wood bridge.”
M.K. McDaniel
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“Preface: "It was a bright, sunny normal day…but it wasn’t. The enemy lurked unseen, the ravenous beast it was, undetected and slowly moving forward. Unobtrusive, silent, ravenously consuming light, happiness, hope, and all that mattered. Darkness the love, hate the prize, evil intent the hope, bitterness the joy. No one wanted to see it. Blindness consumed the concerned… Until the children came forward refusing to surrender the greatest power of all… The power to choose their own Destiny!”
M.K. McDaniel
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