Moby photo


Richard Melville Hall, better known by his stage name Moby, is an American DJ, singer-songwriter, and musician.

He sings and plays keyboard, guitar, bass guitar and drums. Moby became a successful artist on the ambient electronica scene, and achieved eight top 40 singles in the UK during the 1990s. In 1999 he released the album Play, a mix of melancholic chill-out, ambient music, and upbeat electronica, that was critically acclaimed and produced an impressive eight hit singles (including his most popular songs "Porcelain", "Natural Blues" and "Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?"). Play became a commercial and cultural phenomenon, selling over 10 million copies worldwide (the best-selling electronica album ever) and with its eighteen songs receiving an unprecedented licensing in films, television and commercial advertisements.

His follow-up album, 18 (2002) was also successful, receiving positive to mixed response. His next offer, the mostly upbeat Hotel (2005) received lukewarm reviews and poor sales in general. Moby released his most recent albums, Last Night (2008) and Wait for Me (2009), finding good reviews and moderate sales. AllMusic considers Moby "one of the most important dance music figures of the early '90s, helping bring the music to a mainstream audience both in the UK and in America."

“I read the New Testament, specifically the gospels and I was struck at their divinity, feeling that humans could not have figured this out on their own. We're just not bright enough.”
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“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to judge, but I’ve read the gospels quite a few times, and it seems pretty clear that ‘Christian values’ are: 1-humility, 2-non-judgementalism, 3-caring for the poor, 4-compassion, 5-love, and 6-serving God.”
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“Бихте ли изяли вашата домашна котка или бихте ли накарали психически недоразвито дете да влезе в печката? Ако не, тогава защо е в реда на нещата да се ядат крави и да се тестват продукти върху чувствителни животни? Аз вярвам, че да се извършват съзнателно действия, които причиняват или извиняват страданията, е крайно осъдително. Аз ви призовавам да бъдете състрадателни и да се отнасяте към другите така, както искате да се отнасят към вас. Ако не искате да бъдете бити, хвърлени в затвор, убивани или измъчвани, тогава вие не бива да извинявате подобно поведение спрямо някого - бил той човек или не.”
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“Because we find something distasteful is not justification enough for us to deem it criminal.”
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“I had an epiphany a few years ago when I was out at a celebrity party and it suddenly dawned on me that I had yet to meet a celebrity who is as smart and interesting as any of my friends.”
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