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Moira Rogers

“The two hardest things to say in life are hello for the first time and goodbye for the last.”
Moira Rogers
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“Sera loaded the new ammunition and held up the gun. “I bet I can hit closer to the bulls-eye than you can.” Her victory came to him on a flash, right down to the cute little dance he was sure was last popular in the nineties. “Sucker bet, sunshine. Never wager with a precog.” “So cheat.” She grinned. “You haven’t even hear the terms yet. If you win, I’ll let you buy me a pretty dress and take me out for a fancy dinner.” “And if I lose?” “I get a cheap bar, beer, and hot wings, and dirty sex in the bathroom.” Julio cleared his throat, took the gun from her and winked. “Like I said, sucker bet.” “Uh-huh.” As she stepped behind him, she trailed her fingers up his arm. “I’m bad news, mister. I hope you can handle me.” “I’ll try.” He lined up a shot, squeezed the trigger and snorted when the bullet went wide. “I told you I suck at this.” She laughed and retrieved the gun to line up her shot with adorable concentration that furrowed her brows. Her shot wasn’t perfect, but it winged the target, and her victory dance was just as cute as it had been in his vision.”
Moira Rogers
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“You're a dirty bastard""Are you complaining?""No”
Moira Rogers
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“A reaper in a bubble bath? What an affront to the dignity of death.”
Moira Rogers
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“I’m one hell of a public speaker, baby. I’m going to let them see the pain, but if you turn around and start treating me like some damaged little victim, I will murder you. In your sleep.”
Moira Rogers
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“You looked like you’d been trying to fade away. I thought you were a woman who needed to be seen.”
Moira Rogers
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“Alpha bitches are all the same underneath. Don't know how to give an inch even if their damn fool lives depend on it.”
Moira Rogers
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“Andrew Callaghan, put that girl down before you hurt her. No one’s going to touch her, but if you’re not going to take care of her, you can’t have her.”
Moira Rogers
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“That was… I don’t even know what that was.” Derek’s voice was nothing more than a rasping whisper. “That was making love, dirty style.”
Moira Rogers
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“Should I have Jackson bring Kat? Or is he going to pee on her leg or something crazy?”I’m not going to pee on anyone.” Andrew growled, and Mackenzie stepped aside and let him pass.”
Moira Rogers
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“Derek's voice was nothing more than a rasping whisper. "That was making love, dirty style.”
Moira Rogers
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