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Molleen Zwiker

Molleen Zwiker (previously Molleen Zanger) was born in Panama and raised in Michigan. In the first grade, she wrote and illustrated her first short story on a length of coarse brown paper towel purloined from a roll in the girls’ restroom. Her grandmother saved that story, and Zwiker still has it, filed with everything she’s ever written. Almost everything. When she was 24, she began her first novel, a scathing feminist view of an inverted future where men are second-class citizens. Startled by the bitterness she read in her own work, Zwiker torched that manuscript. This she sorely regrets; there was a market for bitter, after all. Zwiker earned an MFA in Creative Writing, Playwriting, from Western Michigan University. Her most recent novel, Unreliable, was published in November 2012 by Scribe Publishing Company. Currently, she is working on a new novel tentatively titled The Art of Murder.

“I learned that people remember what they want to in the way they want to. What and when and why and how. Memory is largely selective, and hugely unreliable." - Unreliable”
Molleen Zwiker
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“Being in hat is not, by a long shot, the same as being in love, or that being in love is not, by a long shot, the same as loving.”
Molleen Zwiker
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“We'd been so ... clueless that being in heat is not, by a long shot, the same as being in love, or that being in love is not, by a long shot, the same as loving.”
Molleen Zwiker
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