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Morgan Spurlock

Morgan Spurlock is a American documentary filmmaker best known for his documentary Super Size Me, in which he only ate McDonalds food for a month.

He was married to vegan chef Alex Jamieson, who wrote an diet book inspired by the Detox diet he had to take after the McDonalds experiment. The couple divorced in 2011.

“In fact we put so many things in our mouths we constantly have to be reminded what not to eat. Look at that little package of silicon gel that's inside your sneakers. It says DO NOT EAT for a reason. Somewhere sometime some genius bought a pair of sneakers and said Ooooh look. They give you free mints with the shoes”
Morgan Spurlock
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“Don't do it. Please. I know this book looks delicious with its light-weight pages sliced thin a prosciutto and swiss stacked in a way that would make Dagwood salivate. The scent of freshly baked words wafting up with every turn of the page. Mmmm page. But don't do it. Not yet. Don't eat this book.”
Morgan Spurlock
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“The center [of the supermarket] is for boxed, frozen, processed, made-to-sit-on-your-shelf-for-months food. You have to ask yourself, "If this food is designed to sit in a box for month and months, what is it doing inside my body?" Nothing good, that´s for sure.”
Morgan Spurlock
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“Don´t be fooled in the frozen-food section, either. I know a lot of people think that if they buy it at the store and heat it up at home, it´s 'homemade'. Think again. It´s the same processed crap, coming from the same scary meatpacking plants, injected with the same chemicals, supplied by the same wholesalers. Just because you heat it up at home doesn´t mean it´s any better for you.”
Morgan Spurlock
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“Sorry, there´s no magic bullet. You gotta eat healthy and live healthy to be healthy and look healthy. End of story.”
Morgan Spurlock
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