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Moxie Mezcal

“They always try to trick you, deliberately throwing extraneous plot lines just to confuse and misguide you, withholding important information until the last chapter, using vague and misleading descriptions so you don't notice something that should be plain as day.”
Moxie Mezcal
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“...the age of surveillance is only a symptom of the new hyper-narcissism that has infected our collective reality tunnels. We invite the surveillance cameras into our homes because they are proof that someone is paying attention to us.”
Moxie Mezcal
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“We have stopped natural selection from purifying the species because deep in our heart of hearts, we are all terrified that we won't make the cut.”
Moxie Mezcal
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“You can leave a place, you can leave a situation. You can quit a job, move to a different house, forget a thing that has happened, or even give up on a love. But the one thing you can never walk away from is yourself.”
Moxie Mezcal
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“If we are not willing to destroy the beauty we have created, we become slaves to it.”
Moxie Mezcal
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“I realized a long time ago not to worry about whodunnit; the more answers you find, the more questions they'll keep raising.”
Moxie Mezcal
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“All your dreams are ground to dust in the gears of time.”
Moxie Mezcal
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“Who needs luck when you've got a key?”
Moxie Mezcal
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