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M.T. Acquaire

M.T. Acquaire is comprised of Matthew and Tanya Acquaire, teenage sweethearts whose love for writing and things that go bump in the night spawned their writing careers. Originally from New Jersey, they have embraced their gypsy tendencies, having lived in various states. One of their favorite places to call home is Maine, whose LONG winters created the perfect atmosphere for finishing their first two novels, proving the point that there is nothing like a little cabin fever to get some writing done.

Tanya briefly attended school in NYC at John Jay for forensic science, before coming to the realization that she would rather write about crime scenes than actually work on them. Matthew was an aspiring musician/songwriter, who always thought his life would end up on a stage. That is until he discovered an even greater passion, casting his guitar aside for a pen, preferring to document the stories that play out on the stage of his imagination.

When not plotting new ways to scare their readers, Matthew and Tanya devote their time to their two children and their small zoo of animals, which of course includes more than one black cat.

“A good book is always better the second time around.”
M.T. Acquaire
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