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Muhammad Nusair

“Sixty-two years passed since that battle, I can remember it as if it was yesterday. It made me the king I am now, not with the power of swords, but with the power of words.Enemies invaded our land like black death until they reached our city. My father, the king, was preparing for the final battle; even women were given swords and asked to fight. It was a battle like no other battle; we fought like Titans not humans, and we crushed our enemies although they outnumbered us.” The king is wounded ! The king is wounded ! ” shouted one of the soldiers . I rushed towards the source of the sound to find my father bleeding on the ground, I tried to take off his armor but he refused and asked me to get closer to him. He squeezed my arm with his old hand and said :“Don’t build your life on illusions,Don’t build your opinion on hypotheses,Don’t build your style on imitation,Don’t build your image on lies,Don’t build your respect on fear,Don’t build your dreams on others’ nightmares,Don’t build your friendships on benefits,Don’t build your heroism on foolish acts,Don’t build your kingdom on the backs of the poor,Don’t build your palace on the soft sands of injustice”Then he looked up to the sky and closed his eyes forever.He left me a kingdom in ruins, but left me the richest king.”
Muhammad Nusair
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“Never underestimate a good deed, you don't know which 'Hasanah' will be your ticket to Jannah.”
Muhammad Nusair
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“The way you treat your environment and your planet is exactly the way you deserve to be treated.”
Muhammad Nusair
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“Every moment you live is a possible new beginning, a new chance and a new hope.”
Muhammad Nusair
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“حينَ تُعاندني الكِتابة أكتُب عن مُعاندتها لي”
Muhammad Nusair
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