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“There is no fortune greater than peace; there is no force greater than peace; there is no excellent tapas greater than peace; there is no immortal life greater than [living in] peace.”
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“When the jīva, reflected consciousness, has its inert association with the body totally destroyed and ignited by the fire of jñāna, it burns in the huge and extensive cremation ground, the cidākāśa. The vision of this excellent effulgence is similar to the sight of an unbounded conflagration that rages when a vast forest, dense with dried trees, catches fire and spreads in all directions.”
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“In a heart that has drowned itself in the awareness of true jñāna, which is wholly love, bliss in its fullness will surge forth. Tormenting desires that arise through delusion do not exist there. That life, existing as the extremely pure svarūpa, is wholly peace.”
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“By abiding steadfastly in the Heart, a life that is wholly suffused with true love flourishes without any obstruction as one's own nature. Since the illusory association, the veiling ego, has died, this life of love is indeed the splendour of jñāna, the enjoyment of Śiva-svarūpa that shines with extreme calm.”
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“The heart-knot is full of the darkness of ignorance, and it is illusory. When this knot snaps and opens, consciousness, like the sky, surges undividedly, leading to a clear and enduring peace in which the Self shines forth in the Heart. Only the love for the Self that springs forth in the Heart is the true devotion that is full of auspiciousness.”
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