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Mykle Hansen

Mykle Hansen's inability to have a normal reaction is key to the popularity of his surreal fiction and neo-gonzo journalism. He is the author of the acclaimed short-story collection EYEHEART EVERYTHING, several dozen 'zines, a religious self-help column in the Portland Mercury, and over fifty thousand lines of Perl. HELP! A BEAR IS EATING ME! is his first novel. RAMPAGING FUCKERS OF EVERYTHING ON THE CRAZY SHITTING PLANET OF THE VOMIT ATMOSPHERE is his first anthology of satirical novellas. His latest novel, "I, SLUTBOT," tells the story of the first robotic porn star, and how she became the ruler of Earth.

A jack of all trades since birth, Mykle Hansen still tries to spend most of his time writing. He lives in Portland, Oregon with his wife and child, in a orange castle surrounded by a moat of man-eating chickens. He writes all of his author biographies in the third person.

“But three cheers for Alaska, they've got 24-hour hot fucking bear delivery. Note to self: Nuke Alaska.”
Mykle Hansen
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“If I was a worrier I'd worry, but not being a worrier I'm just sort of confused and pissed off.”
Mykle Hansen
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“We've tried to live in balance with nature long enough. This time nature went too far. As soon as you and your fiance are safely out of here, I'm calling in an air strike to napalm this whole forest.”
Mykle Hansen
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“Some managers hire people they're excited to work with. I prefer to hire people I'm excited to dominate.”
Mykle Hansen
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“As long as there are things and idiots, idiots will break things.”
Mykle Hansen
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