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Myne Whitman

Myne Whitman is a pen name. She was born and raised in Enugu, Nigeria, where she spent most of her time, studying, reading and daydreaming or climbing trees and playing with the boys. She has a Master’s degree in Public Health Research but has chosen her childhood dream of spinning stories. After a few years in Edinburgh, Scotland, she now lives with her husband in Seattle, USA. She writes and blogs full-time, and also volunteers as an ESL tutor for a local charity. She critiques with the Seattle Eastside Writers Meet-up and is a member of the Pacific Northwest Writers Association.

In addition to writing popular fiction to get people reading, Myne is passionate about using the internet and social media to promote the book industry and literacy levels in Nigeria. To this end, she facilitated a session, "Social Media and the Book Publishing Industry", for the Publisher’s Forum at the 2010 Garden City Literary Festival, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. She is also the founder and managing editor of, a critique website for aspiring Nigerian writers and social networking for lovers of Nigerian literature.

“She didn’t believe there was anything like perfect, fairytale love. Most people were flawed and prone to mistakes. She thought herself a romantic but treated love with the same practicality she did most things. They’d had fall-outs and misunderstandings but she’d never been free to be herself like she was with Edward. She couldn’t imagine being with another person after him.”
Myne Whitman
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“A lot of aspiring writers are actually very talented and just have to continue polishing their craft till opportunity knocks. All writers have to persevere, have a story they want to share and push till it's in a form others can understand and appreciate. To my fans and readers, I love you all and say a great big THANK YOU!”
Myne Whitman
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