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Nacole Stayton

“Look, I don’t know what your problem is, but I won’t call you Hale anymore. I didn’t know it was a big deal, and for the record I don’t read through people’s files. Your application picture was included. I don’t know why but it stood out to me. When you ran into me yesterday, I knew exactly who you were.”
Nacole Stayton
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“I feel his eyes gaze over my towel-covered body in a hungry way that should make me feel violated but only turns me on. In this moment I don’t care about anything else except filling this void in my heart, and with Kyler looking at me like he wants to accomplish the same goal, I know what’s about to happen.”
Nacole Stayton
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“I’m standing face to face with the blue-eyed God from the admin office I saw earlier today. Once again I’m speechless. Our eyes lock, and I feel something I haven’t felt in a very long time: lust.”
Nacole Stayton
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“I have to keep hope that maybe one day, in the not so distant future, that I’ll be able to simply think about my awful past and it won’t make my stomach churn. Hope is all I have creating my pathway for this new journey.”
Nacole Stayton
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“I close my eyes and let the music flow through my body like I was made for dancing to this specific song. When I open them, he is staring at me with an unmistakable yearning burning in his pupils. If there were a bedroom here, I have no doubt he would sling me over his shoulder and have his wicked way with me.”
Nacole Stayton
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“Two can play this game, and I don’t think he knows he is playing with fire. I’ve gotten pretty good at loving and leaving, so if this is what his cold shoulder is about, then tonight I’d be more than happy to give him a whirl and send him on his merry way. I know I’m supposed to steer clear of him, and Lord knows I do not need a relationship of any kind, but sex is just sex, right? He is gorgeous, and it’s hard not to appreciate beauty when you keep running into it head on.”
Nacole Stayton
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