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Nadège Richards

Nadège Richards is the Trinidadian-American author of the Bleeding Heart Series and the Bionics Saga. She graduated from Temple University with her B.A. in Journalism, with a focus in Graphic Design. Her name is French, though she's never been to France. She wrote her first novel about aliens and goats in the eighth grade and has had a passion for story-telling ever since. Her friends and family are her biggest inspiration, as well as the occasional cup of tea.

She commonly goes by "Dège." Although born in Brooklyn, New York, she has spent most of her life living in sunny Pennsylvania where she currently plots her next novel. In her spare time, she is also an award-winning book designer, a creativity coach, a fine art photographer, and the co-founder of Imaginarium Book Festival.

“You asked what I wanted and I'm not going to lie to you. What I want most is the naked truth. I want to strip away every stubborn layer until you're bared to me. And then I'm going to show you how to love right.”
Nadège Richards
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“This is a story about survival.Letting go and learning to let in. Getting along and moving on. The truth about life.The things left unsaid...”
Nadège Richards
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“I'm not sure I'll ever know the meaning of life or what comes for us after death, but I know it's more than the hysteria people make it out to be. It's about freeing your soul when no one else can; turning thirty and still feeling like you're seventeen. It's about taking chances on a whim, embracing the rain during the storm, and smiling so damn much that you start to cry. It's never regretting, never forgetting, and always being.It's kissing underwater and touching in the dark. Loving even when you think it's emotionally impossible and surviving someway and somehow. It's about living life with a full heart and an overflowing glass.I live life on the edge. I dream, I care, and I belong.I know there's a here and now.I know that I want it.”
Nadège Richards
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“And even when they refuse to listen, I'll keep talking anyway, hoping on a slim chance that the things inside my head are worth something to someone.”
Nadège Richards
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“Never limit yourself to what you can't do, but to what you have the power to do with what you have.”
Nadège Richards
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“Give me this moment," Kahl said to me. I glanced up at him and couldn't fathom the depths of his taunting amber irises."You have it." "Be my angel... Leave with me," he whispered. In that moment, when thoughts of the boy I loved left me and fissures of pure bliss consumed me, I knew I was in trouble.”
Nadège Richards
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“I can't explain my feelings for him...they're strange. But he says it is why we are so much alike, why I dream of him. He calls it The Craving.”
Nadège Richards
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“Someday we're going to look back on every shared smile and smile some more. It's moments like this that make life worth enduring.”
Nadège Richards
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“Life is short, Isobeli. If we gave time to everything sooner or later we'd run out of it. We only have now. And we would be foolish to not seize it while we have it. So, why would it matter if I love him today or five years from now?”
Nadège Richards
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“This proves the significance of individualism; being able to face the music, to embrace it, and then create something beautiful from it. You can’t truly be happy unless you’re unhappy sometimes and the pinnacle of life can only be reached when one can carve their own path.”
Nadège Richards
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“Life can be seen through several spectrums of light, but it’s the person who is doing the soul searching that defines what they may see.”
Nadège Richards
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“I write because I'm free,because I can,because I will. I write because I must,because I'm breathing,because I'd go crazy otherwise,because it's who I am.I write to make a statement,to share my thoughts,to discover myself,to express my ideas.But most of all, I write for future generations.I write for love. I write to inspire.I write to encourage. I write for me.”
Nadège Richards
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“Revenge was sweet, but blood was sweeter.”
Nadège Richards
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“If kissing was a language I was sure we’d know it well. If it could measure the amount of love you felt for someone, our love was infinite after all. Even when we hugged I felt a special connection to him. It was in his loving embrace that I sought solace, where I found it, and where I would keep it. Our love was enchanting and magical, secretive and special. Overall, though, it was ours and we would treasure it.”
Nadège Richards
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“Some of us are born to live and to fight, Echo. Others are born to fight for their right to live. When those two collide, there’s hell to pay.”
Nadège Richards
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“Everything and everyone has a place to be, Echo. It’s just a matter of how they get there and when. You have a place; you just have to find it.”
Nadège Richards
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“You just know something is amiss, when you look at someone and long for something that is not yours or you cannot have. It's an absence--a loss of a heartbeat.”
Nadège Richards
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“What are we going to do, Ayden?" she whispered, glaring up at me."I don't know," I confessed. "But how about we burn that bridge when we get there?""I thought it was 'cross' that bridge?"I lightly poked her in the eye and she laughed. "No. We're burning bridges. Crossing is so overrated." I smiled and touched the corner of her eyes, captivated by the iridescent blues."I think I like the sound of that," she whispered."Yeah?""Yeah.”
Nadège Richards
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“The sun rises in the east every morning and falls in the west, Ayden. Darknesses are awaken and fate is tested, destinies are foreseen. Thy soul the only enemy, a hero is born. A new light rises once again...”
Nadège Richards
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“You're mine, Echo, and I'll treasure you forever.”
Nadège Richards
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“Today is yesterday's victory, yesterday is tomorrow's conquest, and tomorrow is today's war. Though I face death, I am not fearsome.”
Nadège Richards
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“We only dream of things we know and people that we've seen... War and pain is all I know, it is all I can ever see.”
Nadège Richards
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“I had no tears to shed nor a prayer for the deceased... There is no hope for the hopeless.”
Nadège Richards
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“I wish for today and dream of yesterday. If the gods should hold me in their favor, then I shall hope for tomorrow.”
Nadège Richards
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“Is our blood not the same color? Do we not bleed the same or share each other's burdens? ... What makes you and I so different, Ayden?”
Nadège Richards
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“Endeavor for greatness, venture for the sake of the heart.”
Nadège Richards
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“Give unto your all everything, for you never know when it will be your last...”
Nadège Richards
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“You never forget your first and true love, Ayden Grey. Not officially, not ever.”
Nadège Richards
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“What lies behind the heart is a story to be shared with the world.”
Nadège Richards
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“We try so hard because it is all we've ever known, I thought. We try to fit ourselves into this world so that we don't seem more different than different, an oddity in a sea of normality. We try because it is only instinct, but we obey because it is law.”
Nadège Richards
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