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Nadia Sahari

Nadia Sahari was born in Beirut, Lebanon. She grew up in a suburb outside of Detroit, MI, where she experienced many abuses at home, bullying at school and domestic violence. It took her twenty-five years to get it all into a memoir called BREAKAWAY. She also has written a children's book entitled THE BULLY CAT.

Nadia hosts a radio show. Her guests include actors, authors, agents, directors, filmmakers, educators, psychologists, etc. It's all about winning through adversity. She has been given the Award of Courage and the Award of Hope.

She is an actress, and has appeared in several episodes of Friday Night Lights, the movie BANDSLAM and is in the upcoming feature film Corruption.Gov.

Nadia is an activist for the rights of women and children. BREAKAWAY is an inspirational and encouraging read for women, teens and men too.

She has appeared on many national and local television and radio programs, including Great Day SA, San Antonio Living, Smile with B-Mile, EntertainMeTx, Joey Reynolds Show NYC, Michael Dresser Show, Jack Roberts Show, and many more.

Nadia Sahari donates part of the proceeds to organizations that support women and children.

She lists twenty-six of them in her book. Nadia reminds you to break the silence. Get help. You are not alone. There is someone to help you.

Do it for yourself and do it for your children. Live your dream. You are worthy. Nadia believes, " If I can do it, anyone can. It is by choice and not by chances that you change your circumstances."

Nadia Sahari
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