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Nalini Singh

I've been writing as long as I can remember and all of my stories always held a thread of romance (even when I was writing about a prince who could shoot lasers out of his eyes). I love creating unique characters, love giving them happy endings and I even love the voices in my head. There's no other job I would rather be doing. In September 2002, when I got the call that Silhouette Desire wanted to buy my first book, Desert Warrior, it was a dream come true. I hope to continue living the dream until I keel over of old age on my keyboard.

I was born in Fiji and raised in New Zealand. I also spent three years living and working in Japan, during which time I took the chance to travel around Asia. I’m back in New Zealand now, but I’m always plotting new trips. If you’d like to see some of my travel snapshots, have a look at the Travel Diary page (updated every month).

So far, I've worked as a lawyer, a librarian, a candy factory general hand, a bank temp and an English teacher and not necessarily in that order. Some might call that inconsistency but I call it grist for the writer's mill.

“You're not a restful individual to be around"Ashaya to Dorian”
Nalini Singh
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“Sascha era un arco iris dentro de él, una fontana resplandeciente de una belleza tal, que Lucas se sintió bendecido por tener la posibilidad de verla. Por un instante sus mentes fueron una sola y vio cuán desesperada, salvaje e irracionalmente le amaba Sascha... lo suficiente como para romper su promesa, para elegir morir a fin de que él pu¬diera vivir.Sascha vio hasta qué punto la pantera la adoraba, que su corazón latía solo por ella y que la vida daría paso a la muerte después de que ella se hubiera ido. La bestia estaba furiosa con ella por intentar arrebatarle a su compañera y el hombre lo estaba aún más, pero bajo toda esa ira había deseo, necesidad, amor. Un amor tan intenso y abrasador que no tenía principio ni fin.”
Nalini Singh
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“Du musst dir die Haare schneiden lassen", murmelte Sascha.Er küsste sie nocheinmal und lächelte. "Ich fürchte mich vor Scheren.""Ausflüchte." Sie strich über Lucas Haar. "Du stellst dich genauso verrückt wie die Mädchen an, wenn es um dein Haar geht.""Erwischt." Eine warme, liebevolle Hand auf ihrem Bauch. "Was macht der Rockstar?" "Getöse, wie immer.”
Nalini Singh
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“His kiss held his heart. It broke hers.”
Nalini Singh
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“If she could've found the will power to speak, the brain cells to construct thought, she would've told Clay he was a god. It was a good thing she was too wiped out or he would never let her forget it”
Nalini Singh
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“You chose a warrior, remember?”“As you chose an archangel.”
Nalini Singh
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“Oh my God, I can't believe I actually said that out aloud".Neither could he. The fact that she saw him as so sexually appealing was enough of a surprise to render him speechless. He was numb. Even the dissonance cut off - likely reading his reaction as one of complete unemotionality.”
Nalini Singh
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“The walk to the exit brought him into contact with several changelings. That wasn't unusual. What was unusual was the response his presence elicited. Smiles, waves, shouted hellos and even slaps on the back when he didn't move away fast enough.”
Nalini Singh
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“Go play your favorite game.”Feeling the hum of anticipation in his belly, Andrew gave his alpha an innocent smile. “I have no idea what you mean.”Hawke pointed a finger at him. “I want my calm, collected lieutenant back by the end of the week, or I’m packing you in a box and shipping you to fucking Siberia.”Andrew grinned. “I hear it’s nice there this time of year.”
Nalini Singh
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“He kissed her. Hard. Fast. Vaughn.”
Nalini Singh
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“Where's the lace?”
Nalini Singh
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“Cupping his face in her hands, she looked into eyes that had seen thousands of sunrises before she was even a glimmer in the scheme of the universe. "But you have an advantage," she whispered. "You're a little bit human now.”
Nalini Singh
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“When you've lived as long as I have," he said, eyes heavy-lidded but definitely on her, "you learn to appreciate new sensations. They are rare in an immortal's life."She found she'd moved toward him. He hooked her arm around her waist, pulling her closer until she straddled him as he sat on a ledge below the waterline, her legs wrapped around his waist.He settled her firmly against him.Sucking in a breath, she said, "Sex isn't new to you," and rocked her heat over the exquisite hardness of him. Good didn't begin to describe how it felt. How he felt."No. But you are.""Never had a hunter before?" She grinned, nibbling on his lower lip.But he didn't smile. "I've never had Elena before." The words were husky, his eyes so intent she felt owned.”
Nalini Singh
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“Illium sonrió, desvengonzado.-¿Queréis intentarlo de nuevo? Me moveré más despacio (ambos sois mucho más viejos, después de todo) -Las últimas palabras fueron un susurro conspirador.Galen miró a Rafael.-¿Cómo ha sobrevivido todo este tiempo?-Nadie puede atraparlo.”
Nalini Singh
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“You know I'll never say no, and Nate's so dedicated, I think he loves our alpha more than me.""I resent that," Nate grumbled. "I might love football more than you, but definitely not Lucas's ugly mug.”
Nalini Singh
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“Honor miró por la ventana... y vio la sobrecogedora imagen de un ángel con alas de color azul plateado aterrizando en la zona verde del césped.-Es... -Se quedó sin aliento.Había visto fotos, incluso imágenes de televisión, que mostraban a aquel ángel de alas azules, pero ninguna de ellas le hacía justicia. Nada podría hacérsela.Resultaba mucho más impactante de cerca. No le quitó la vista de encima mientras se reunían con él junto al coche. Tenía los ojos del color del oro veneciano, el cabello negro con matices azules, y un rostro de una belleza tan pura que resultaba casi demasiado hermoso. Casi.Era, sencillamente, la criatura más hermosa que había visto en su vida.-Soy Illium -dijo el ángel mirándola a los ojos.Honor estuvo a punto de esbozar una sonrisa al ver la curiosidad pintada en sus iris dorados.-Yo soy Honor.”
Nalini Singh
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“A man’s pride was a fragile thing. A warrior’s pride was his greatest weapon. A sheik’s pride upheld the honor of his people.”
Nalini Singh
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“...¿amaban los arcángeles como los humanos? ¿O sus sentimientos eran más profundos, de esos que arrancaban sangre al corazón?”
Nalini Singh
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“He shot her a grin brimming with deliberate wickedness. "Today, I want to lead you astray."Her returning smile was a little shy but full of a quiet mischief he figured most people never saw. "Are you sure I'm not already beyond redemption?"He chuckled. "How could you be with a name like Angelica?"She made a face. "I'm an Annie, not an Angelica.""I prefer Angel.""Do you like your women angelic?"He chuckled. "No baby, I like my woman exactly as she is.”
Nalini Singh
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“I'll tell Mom I'm bringing someone and that we'll be late.""Yeah. It'll give your date time to find another partner." That lethal edge was back in his voice.Her stomach muscles tightened. "Zach?""Might as well get this out in the open." He pulled the car into a small layby and turned to brace his hand against the top edge of her seat. "I'm not real good at sharing.”
Nalini Singh
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“She jumped. "You walk like a cat!""I am a cat, sweetheart." He wanted to tease her again, so he let a low growl rumble up from his chest. "See?"Streaks of vibrant color stained her cheeks once more. But she didn't back down. "Are you planning to move?""No." He drew in a deep breath, fighting the urge to nuzzle at her throat. "You smell good. Can I taste you?" It was a half-serious question. "Just a little?""Mr. Quinn!" She took a step around him and headed off. But he'd already caught the tart bite of arousal in her scent. Satisfied, he followed, on his best behavior now. It wouldn't do to scare Annie away. Not when he planned to keep her. ”
Nalini Singh
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“Tell me about him... please.”
Nalini Singh
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“I know exactly how strong he is... He is like a peacock, spreading his feathers and squawking loudly to distract you from the back that his body is but weak."-Jason to Mahiya”
Nalini Singh
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“I have never been to a court s gracious as the one Neha keeps. Dmitri played a knife through his fingers, one of the three he'd brought back from Neha's territory. "She truly believes in giving honor to a visitor." He threw to knife at Jason."He threw it back as Venom added, "Thought she might have that guest neatly executed as the court sleeps.”
Nalini Singh
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“Tú haces latir mi corazón, Mercy".”
Nalini Singh
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“Si esto es la muerte, cazadora - le dijo a su mortal mientras el fuego de ángel se abría camino desde sus huesos hasta su corazón - te veré al otro lado.”
Nalini Singh
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“Was it not worth the loss of a little immortality to have that strange mix of innocence and strength close to him?”
Nalini Singh
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“Bana gül göndermiş."Hattın diğer ucundan, hayalkırıklığını belirten bir hırlama geldi. "Hayatım, nadiren radevuya gittiğini biliyorum ama o şeyleri sokak köşelerinde beş papele satıyorlar.""Kristalden yapılmış." Elena konuşurken, kristal gülün ışıltılarından gözünü alamıyordu. "Ay, olamaz.""Ne olamaz?"Elena ağzı açık bir halde en yakın çekmeyece uzanıp fazla hafif olduğu için nadiren kullandığı ince keskiyi aldı ve güün sapındaki bir bölgeyi hafifçe kzımaya çalıştı. Bıçak işlemiyordu. Sonra bıçağı tersine sirttü ama bu kez gül "çizilmelere dayanıklı"bıçaı çizdi. "Ay olamaz.""Ellie, neler olup bittiğini hemen anlatmazsan yemin edeirm seni eşşek sudan gelene kadar döverim. Ne oluyor? Kan emen mutant bir gülmüymüş.?Elena kahkahasını tutup elindeki tarif edilmez güzellikteki şeye baktı. "Kristal değilmiş.""Kübik zirkon mu? diye sordu Sara kuru kuru. "Ay, dur bir dakika, yoksa plastik mi?""Elmas." Ölüm sessizliği.”
Nalini Singh
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“Life changes us. To wish otherwise is pointless.”
Nalini Singh
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“I swear to God, if I get shot again, Indigo will strangle me.”
Nalini Singh
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“There was a perfection to the moment that made Sienna think: Yes, this is it. This is who we're meant to be together.”
Nalini Singh
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“Fathers and mothers,” she found herself saying, “leave their mark, no matter if we’ve known them a lifetime or only a day.”
Nalini Singh
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“Hawke didn't bother to respond to that - he'd eat the baby cat alpha for breakfast.”
Nalini Singh
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“I need you," he said to her, this woman who'd fought for her own right to live her life free of limits, "to build me some remote detonation devices."Amazing brown eyes shot with blue peering into his as she pressed her nose to his. "You always say the most romantic things.”
Nalini Singh
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“I'll never be yours until you're mine”
Nalini Singh
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“Some women,” Dahariel said in that same hard tone devoid of any hint of humanity, “getunder a man’s skin until digging them out makes you bleed.”
Nalini Singh
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“Repite una mentira mil veces y la gente terminará por creérsela, aún a riesgo de perjudicarse a sí misma”
Nalini Singh
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“No self-respecting wolf would eat a rodent - though we might've been able to use your teeth as decorations," Andrew said with a straight face.Teijan hissed out a very unratlike snarl. "Why the hell do I bother to talk to you?""Hawke thinks I give you cheese." He pulled a small, foil-wrapped wedge out of his pocket. "Here you go""*** you" But the Rat alpha was laughing.”
Nalini Singh
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“La palabra «sexy» era demasiado sosa para describirlo.”
Nalini Singh
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“—Las dagas —susurró él— y las vainas van siempre juntas. Y tu vaina soloconocerá mi daga.”
Nalini Singh
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“Yo también, Elena. Y aun así eres la dueña de mi corazón.”
Nalini Singh
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“Estás jugando con arcángeles. Una «ligera ventaja» supone una gran mejora encomparación con una «muerte segura».”
Nalini Singh
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“Mataría por ella, destruiría por ella, descuartizaría a cualquiera que se atreviera aalejarla de él.Y jamás la dejaría marchar... ni siquiera aunque ella suplicara por su libertad.”
Nalini Singh
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“Su inmortal tenía un corazón mortal.”
Nalini Singh
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“Es cierto que has perdido un poco de peso, pero eso impide que me muera por penetrarte hasta hacerte perder el sentido.”
Nalini Singh
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“Te curarás, Elena. Y entonces te enseñaré cómo bailan los ángeles.”
Nalini Singh
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“Pero tú tienes una ventaja —susurró—. Ahora eres un poquito humano.”
Nalini Singh
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“Elena se preguntó cuántas mujeres habrían sido tan estúpidas como ella... lo bastante estúpidas para arrojarse a sus brazos a sabiendas de que, si era necesario, el arcángel pondría fin a sus vidas en un abrir y cerrar de ojos.”
Nalini Singh
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“Si estuvieses de rodillas y tuvieras los labios alrededor de mi miembro, a mí me importarían muchísimo.”
Nalini Singh
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“En ese caso, ella te matará a ti. Te convertirá en mortal.”
Nalini Singh
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