Nancy B. Brewer photo

Nancy B. Brewer


books on Amazon-Kindle

New release! Sept. 2021 reserve your copy now!

A Peasant Queen.

Beach Read Series: Murder at Myrtle Beach and A Coastal Ghost.

Here’s How to Write a Book

by Nancy B. Brewer

A Beautiful Prison

3 Beloved Children’s Book Written and Narrated by the Author- on CD

"30 Days at the Shore" (Letters to Father)

A journey- a must read for cancer and survivors of life. Release date: Jan. 15/2016- reserve:

"The Two Faces of Nina Grey"

(exciting historical fiction-Maryland 1861)

The House with the Red Light

Carolina Rain

Beyond Sandy Ridge

Lizzie After the War


Letters from Lizzie

More books by this author:

30 Days at the Shore (Letters to Father)

A Doll Named Fannie

Rufus the Rat

Quotes and Poems in Black and White

South Carolina author, Nancy B. Brewer combines her love for history with her passion for creating stories and characters.

Readers are captivated from page one by Brewer’s soft southern style and poetic quotes and lines. The author is a master of weaving historically accurate stories filled with intriguing characters and thrilling plots.

She is available for book signings and presentations.


2014 Henry Timrod Southern Culture Award

2014 National SCV Ladies Appreciation Award

2012 Jefferson Davis Historical Gold Medal

“Now here I am, living in the land of tall pine trees and red dirt hills”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“Of course in 1860, I had heard the political talk.”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“It was a beautiful Indian summer morning and perfect for savoring a few extra minutes in bed. There was a breeze blowing through my bedroom window; the air was as crisp as a bite of a fresh red apple.”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“He smiled at me and I felt the tenderness only a daughter could feel.”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“If I be just a page torn out of a book,May I sail forever over the oceans blue, Float over the treetops and the mountains too,Drift across the valleys and the flowers look,Until at last, I rest and kiss the morning dew.”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“{In the shadows where the ancestors sleep, the bird's song is young, but all else is old. Stillness surrounds me and I breathe softly expecting the unexpected.} from book in progress”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“Hollering at the top of his voice, a little boy walks by a cranky old man. "Boy, why are you a hollering as I walk by?" The little boy replies, "Old man, why are you walking by when I am a hollering.”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“God does not care what you have done, but only what you will do”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“If a hole in your wall is large enough for a rat to get his head in, rats will soon take over your home. If there is a hole in your heart large enough for the devil to get his head in, he'll waste no time moving in too.”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“The opera was stylish and the movie a thriller,But, I had to buy a new dress and the popcorn was stale,After the show, all I had left was my empty pocket.For me, I have decided simple pleasures will do,A walk in the park, a cup of coffee and a good book too, My friends, you may find these to be a sound investment too.”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“~The spirit of a woman~Is softer than the morning breeze,Tough as nails and strong as steel,But flexible as the willow tree. The heart of a womanIs the foundation of humanity,Grander than the mountains high,But deep as the ocean blue.The wisdom of a woman,Spans across all lands,Withstands all test of time, And is never ending. ~by nancybbrewer”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“Love: Do not try to understand love, control it or hold it.Although love is humble, it is strong and suffers all, And if it be true, it will always find its way.”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“Any woman looks innocent in a white veil”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“Have you forgotten me?by Nancy B. BrewerThe bricks I laid or the stitches I sewed.I was the one that made the quilt; a drop of blood still shows from my needle prick.Your wedding day in lace and satin, in a dress once worn by me.I loaned your newborn baby my christening gown, a hint of lavender still preserved. Do you know our cause, the battles we won and the battles we lost?When our soldiers marched home did you shout hooray! Or shed a tear for the fallen sons. What of the fields we plowed, the cotton, the tobacco and the okra, too.There was always room at my table for one more, Fried chicken, apple pie, biscuits and sweet ice tea.A time or two you may have heard our stories politely told.Some of us are famous, recorded on the pages of history.Still, most of us left this world without glory or acknowledgment. We were the first to walk the streets you now call home,Perhaps you have visited my grave and flowers left,but did you hear me cry out to you? Listen, my child, to the voices of your ancestors. Take pride in our accomplishments; find your strength in our suffering. For WE are not just voices in the wind, WE are a living part of YOU!”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“The sun flickers through the trees and shines upon the faces of the men lined up on the porches. Soldiers no more, just ordinary men who, by the grace of God, were spared to tell their stories”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“It appears to me that man must always have war. When one great rebellion ends, another will begin. Do they fight for a great cause or is it egos that must be conquered?”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“My darling, My day’s sweetest moments are at dawn, for I awake with dreams of you still in my head. As the light touches my lips, I can almost feel yours upon mine. I imagine your footsteps coming up the walk, but today is the same as the day before. It is only fanciful thinking. As the first beams of morning sunlight dance across my weary shoulders I cry out, “How can you be so cheery and bright with so much sorrow across our land?” I know I must be strong and face another day, but tears fill my eyes. Suddenly, a white dove lands upon my window sill. Surely this be the omen that peace is near at hand. Just like the breath of the coming Spring, this little dove now brings me new hope. God has heard our prayers and our Southland will flower again.”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“Those that are in the state of widowhood must resist the temptations of their youth.”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“Flies trouble us not by their strength but by their multitudes.”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“However, the path of God is unknown and deep are the waters. Often do we see what is pleasing, take a sudden turn of providence, that deprives even the most Godly of their happiness. We should not fear theses changes and trust that all things work for the greater good.”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“We Southerners are a strong lot. Like our ancestors before us, we will survive. I will never lose faith. I am standing on the promise that tomorrow will be a better day.”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“Her blue eyes are full of tears, but she is smiling. Her expression is as bright as a newborn Christian.} one my favorite lines from Beyond Sandy Ridge.”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“{Summertime she speaks of winter, she eats ham, but speaks of beef, got a good man but, flirts with another. She might as well go to hell, cause she ain't gonna be happy in heaven either!}”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“I am reminded that the children we birth do not belong to us. They belong to God. We are simply the vessel through which they arrive on this earth. We are appointed to care for and guide them; however, we must recognize when the time comes for them to govern their own lives.”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“With time, grief has a way of slipping down in the crevices of your heart. It never really leaves; it just makes room for more.”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“(The golden goose has died, my prince turned into a frog, the Kingdom is lost, everyone has turned into stone and I am locked in the tower)”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“Do not try to understand love, control it or hold it.Although love is humble, it is strong and suffers all, And if it be true, it will always find its way.”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“You have proven to be a true ‘Steel Magnolia, strong as steel with your roots planted deep in the southern soil. Remember to always bend with the wind. Although time may weather you, you will always be my beautiful Magnolia.”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“The children we birth do not belong to us. They belong to God. We are simply the vessel for which they arrive on this earth. We are appointed to care and guide them, however we must recognize when the time comes for them to govern their own lives.”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“Given a little wine, you will find folks are the same no matter what side of the railroad tracks they came from.”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“Respect the past, trust in the future and believe in the power of the imagination.-”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“Without a plan in your head or a penny in your pocket, you best have a prayer in your heart-”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“Dread not to climb the mountain, for the higher you rise, your load will lighten; for once on top, easy be the stroll to the meadow down below”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“Emotional people always make difficulties for themselves”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“The mind builds its own home-”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“The rose that grows in grace will blossom into beauty”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“Don't confess to being a fool or a wise man; let others decide for you”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“Prove it to the person that looks back at you in the mirror”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“I toss pretty words up in the air and if I am lucky, they will fall gracefully upon my pages-nancy b. brewr”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“The people who say dreams never come true must have been asleep when opportunity knocked.-brewer”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“My lonely eyes looked over the graves. I wept.”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“Mother used to say if you stood out in a rain like that; it would wash away your sins-”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“Red for the blood of Christ, green for his everlasting love, blue for heaven above, and old for the King of Kings.”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“Never begrudge others their happiness. Who knows when happiness will be short lived?”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“Even death is a joke on the old devil, if we are living for the Lord.”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“I turned to see a young woman with bed hair, wearing a only a thin nightdress.”
Nancy B. Brewer
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“Once opening the door was a promise of happiness, now my surroundings seem to have appointed me the keeper of sadness.”
Nancy B. Brewer
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