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Nancy LaRonda Johnson

Nancy LaRonda Johnson has written short stories, poetry and personal journals most of her life. She received her first writing award in elementary school for a psychological thriller short story. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology and a law degree.

A probation officer by day, she strives during her off-hours to write interesting characters who make it through trying times. What thrills her most is writing books and stories that give eye-opening takes on controversial topics.

Her first book, the literary Christian suspense novel, Anticipation of the Penitent, about a serial killer and his mother, reached the finals in the San Francisco Writer's Conference Indie Publishing Contest and was a Readers' Favorite Novel Contest winner. Salted With Fire, a book of short stories and poetry, is her second publication. She is working on several projects, including a continuing story to Anticipation of the Penitent and a dramatic novel, Chasing Shadows, of a broken man who leaves his wife and takes his daughter with him.

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“All things are connected. There is no separation, except in the mind, which is most powerful, after reality.”
Nancy LaRonda Johnson
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