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Nancy S. Kyme

Nancy S. Kyme is a 2012 Next Generation Indie Book Award winner, Inspirational category, for her debut novel-memoir, "Memory Lake: The Forever Friendships of Summer".

Kyme's literary interests are focused on the creation of a hopeful, plausible Fantasy/Science Fiction cross-over trilogy that combines metaphysical and scientific truths. She began writing this project in 1992 and continues today after taking a seven year hiatus to write a memoir about summer camp. She decided to 'write what you know' as a training tool to gain direction for her greater literary work.

Kyme currently resides in Lake Ridge, Virginia and is President of the DC Branch of the National League of American Pen Women, Prince William Arts Council Board Member, and Director of the Clearbrook Center of the Arts.

We are born to create. When striving for excellence, setting fear aside, anything is possible.

“What you think upon grows." Emmet Fox”
Nancy S. Kyme
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