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Nancy Springer


Nancy Springer has passed the fifty-book milestone, having written that many novels for adults, young adults and children, in genres including mythic fantasy, contemporary fiction, magical realism, horror, and mystery -- although she did not realize she wrote mystery until she won the Edgar Allan Poe Award from the Mystery Writers of America two years in succession. DARK LIE, recently released from NAL, is her first venture into mass-market psychological suspense.

Born in Montclair, New Jersey, Nancy Springer moved with her family to Gettysburg, of Civil War fame, when she was thirteen. She spent the next forty-six years in Pennsylvania, raising two children (Jonathan, now 38, and Nora, 34), writing, horseback riding, fishing, and birdwatching. In 2007 she surprised her friends and herself by moving with her second husband to an isolated area of the Florida panhandle, where the birdwatching is spectacular and where, when fishing, she occasionally catches an alligator.

“what's life without a spice of stupidity”
Nancy Springer
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“To her, everything is beautiful in its own way, and everyone is a friend just waiting for her. And somehow it works for her.”
Nancy Springer
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“In the blue sky overhead, larks sang like my heart.”
Nancy Springer
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“Confound my genteel upbringing! I could not think of any name foul enough to call him.”
Nancy Springer
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“I hope that the kind reader recognises this as a despairing attempt at humour.”
Nancy Springer
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“Stop it,' he whispered. Hid lidded eyes winced. His hands faltered up to cover his face.Dusty did not stop. 'If I'd known you-if I'd known you when you were alive, I think I would have loved you, too.'Dusty, please stop.' He could barely speak. I think I do love you.' Her voice had dropped to a whisper, because it was a truth like a silver sword. 'I think I do. I cry, too.”
Nancy Springer
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“He was just a sixteen-year old boy who had been killed, a kid whose photo had been in the paper, a kid who would mostly be forgotten by the time the newspaper went into the garbage-yet he was the universe, all the dying, all the crying. He was everyone who had ever died young.”
Nancy Springer
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“Conform, go crazy, or become an artist.”
Nancy Springer
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