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Nandini Deka

Nandini Deka is an Author ( Fiction, Articles, Blogs ) and also a Professional Musician

Based in Bombay,India ( Producer, Composer & Artist )

Nandini Deka Books/Fictions at the Amazon Book Store are :

1. Unhappily Married

2. The Rebound Series

3. The Autograph

4. Spiritual Encounters

5. Shocked!!!

6. Feelings...

7. Want a Ride?

8. Forgotten Vows

ND's Amazon Author Page

NandiniSpeaks Blog!

NandiniReviews Blog!

“Who loves never leaves. Who left never loved !”
Nandini Deka
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“Life without Music would be a Mistake. Life without Books would be Catastrophic!”
Nandini Deka
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“Importance of life is that you dont forget its Importance!”
Nandini Deka
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