ناصر خسرو قبادیانی/ Naser Khosrow Ghobadiani photo

ناصر خسرو قبادیانی/ Naser Khosrow Ghobadiani

Nasir Khusraw was born in 1004 CE, in Qubadiyan, then Greater Khorasan (near the present-day city of Balkh in Afghanistan). He was well versed in all the branches of natural science, in medicine, mathematics, astronomy and astrology, in Greek philosophy and the writings of al-Kindi, al-Farabi and Ibn Sina; and the interpretation of the Qur'an. He had studied Arabic, Turkish, Greek, the vernacular languages of India and Sind, and perhaps even Hebrew; he had visited Multan and Lahore, and the splendid Ghaznavid court under Sultan Mahmud, Firdousi's patron. Later on he chose Merv for his residence, and was the owner of a house and garden there.

Until A.H. 437 (1046 CE), he worked as financial secretary and revenue collector for the Seljuk sultan Toghrul Beg, or rather of his brother Jaghir Beg, the emir of Khorasan, who had conquered Merv in 1037. About this time, inspired by a heavenly voice in a dream, he abjured all the luxuries of life, and resolved upon a pilgrimage to the holy shrines of Mecca and Medina, hoping to find there the solution to his spiritual crisis.

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in Persian: ناصر خسرو

“و تجار مصر يصدقون في كل ما يبيعونه و إذا كذب أحدهم على مشترى... فإنه يوضع على جمل, و يعطى جرساً بيده و يطوف به في المدينه و هو يدق الجرس, و ينادي قائلاً "قد كذبت و ها أنا أعاقب و كل من يقول الكذب فجزاؤه العقاب”
ناصر خسرو قبادیانی/ Naser Khosrow Ghobadiani
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