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Natale Ghent

Natale Ghent has been writing stories since she was six. Her first books, written and illustrated, revolved around a family of circles: a momma circle, a papa circle and two baby circles. The momma circle wore a fur stole, distinguishing herself from the papa circle, who wore a fedora, naturally.

Natale graduated from writing about circles to writing and illustrating stories about a small fairy, and later, to stories about talking guinea pigs and eventually humans.

When Natale was very young, she wanted to be an archeologist, a ballerina, a veterinarian, a singer and a magician, but not necessarily in that order. Later in life, she realized she could be all these things and more through her writing. She says, "I never set out to be a novelist in the way that so many do these days. All I knew was that I had a voracious curiosity about life and that I loved telling stories. I simply stumbled along until writing took me by the hand and refused to let go, though I recognize now that there were many signposts guiding me along the way. I come from a long line of consummate story tellers. It just never occurred to me that I could tell stories for a living. And now I can’t imagine doing anything else."

Of NO SMALL THING she says, "The story is based on true events from my childhood. I carried it in my heart for years until it begged to be put on paper. I wrote the book for my family and for anyone, young or old, who has struggled for something they believe in. I never imagined the story would mean so much to so many children. I’m humbled by the letters and stories these children send to me."

“I feel scared and unsure of what to do next, but decide that no matter what happens, I'm glad I ran away. A pony like Smokey is worth fighting for - even if we did get him for free. A pony like Smokey is no small thing.”
Natale Ghent
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