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Natalie Ward

An avid reader and writer who doesn't sleep enough.

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“Beautiful, beautiful girl I can see the sadness you hold in your eyesBeautiful, beautiful girl I see all of the pain you bury insideBeautiful, beautiful girl How much I long to make you smileMake you happy for awhileBring back the back the light to your lifeBeautiful, beautiful girlHave you let me love you for awhileBeautiful, beautiful girl”
Natalie Ward
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“Be happy, travel the world, fall in love again and live.”
Natalie Ward
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“I would never trade however long I was with you, for anything in the world, because to me, you are the world. You are my world.”
Natalie Ward
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“Anger and fear can turn you into a different person. They mask what you’re really feeling, and they allow you to destroy something that doesn’t deserve it, something that should be cared for and protected. But being exposed, forces you to raise your defences and in doing so, you quite often lash out at the very thing you should actually be embracing.”
Natalie Ward
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“We are so close, I can no longer tell where he ends and I begin.”
Natalie Ward
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“And right then, deep inside my chest, my broken heart flips at that one word. Inside, all of those tiny shattered pieces start to fit back together at the possibility of a forever with him. I desperately want to believe it's possible. I want to believe I can have this.”
Natalie Ward
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“Hey," I whisper when his eyes open. His irises are almost hidden, the early morning dawn darkening them, but as they watch me, I know I could so easily fall into them and never leave.”
Natalie Ward
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“I kind of liked the idea that he was letting the whole world know we were together, and I really liked the idea that his heart was mine to keep. Because he had stolen mine ages ago.”
Natalie Ward
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“He walked into my life and slowly, gently he showed me how to smile again, how to start living again. He gave me a reason to breathe again. Showed me that living was worth it and it was worth fighting for. That it was worth taking a risk and making the choices you wanted to make. That he was choosing me, fighting for me and he wanted me to fight for him, for us.”
Natalie Ward
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“I can't explain it, Ash. I look at you and I just can't look away. I look at you and even though I see all of the sadness and pain that you carry, what I really see is a beautiful soul buried beneath it. A beautiful soul who desperately wants to be happy. Who I want to make happy, more than anything else in the world....I, I can't explain it, I just want to fix that for you.”
Natalie Ward
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“He can't take his eyes off you Ash. You're all he sees...He's just waiting for you to see him”
Natalie Ward
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“...I can’t help but throw myself at him, wrapping my body around his. I hear him laugh softly before I push my mouth hard against his, pulling a deep groan from him. I feel his arms wrap around me, holding me tight as he turns and backs us up against the closed door. I’m glad we’re alone in here..”
Natalie Ward
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“...His eyes are very dark now. They’re watching his fingers as he gently winds my hair around them. It looks as if he isn’t in control of his own hand, as if even he’s trying to work out what it’s doing. I’m watching his eyes and I’m positive he can hear my heart, which is racing, pounding inside my chest now...”
Natalie Ward
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“I trace the lines of his tattoos in a way that I know distracts him. I run my hands over his smooth, warm skin. I kiss him now, making him breathless. I lie there listening to his heart beat and I’m still so hungry for him. I feel more alive than ever.”
Natalie Ward
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“...he whispered "I've been dying to do that for ages," before leaning in and gently kissing me again...”
Natalie Ward
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“...when you ran away from me tonight, that felt like dying to me...”
Natalie Ward
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“I love you, I've always loved you.”
Natalie Ward
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“ is too short to live without the things you want, to not fight for the things you love...”
Natalie Ward
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