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Nathan Robinson

Nathan Robinson started writing fiction at an early age, however it took untill he was 26 to finally submit something.

His first acceptence was for THE CHICKEN IN BLACK which won first prize on, If you ever meet a girl named Maisie Mae came next, quickly followed by Hatch, Banana Boxes, Brian of the Night and The Spare. Maisie Mae was included in Panic Press's Soup of Souls anthology. His Mexican Gangster thriller Top of the Heap was released as a podcast in April 2011 from and is due for release by The Dark Fiction Spotlight in their best of Anthology

So far he’s had numerous short stories published, Rainstorm Press, Knight Watch Press, Pseudopod, The Horror Zine, The Sinister Horror Company, Static Movement, Splatterpunk Zine and many more.

He writes best in the dead of night or travelling at 77mph.

He is a regular reviewer for and Splatterpunk Zine, which he loves because he gets free books. He likes free books.

His first novel “Starers” was released by Severed Press to rave reviews. This was followed by his short story collection “Devil Let Me Go”, and the novellas “Ketchup with Everything” and “Midway” and the novel, “Caldera.”

He is currently working on his next novels, “Death-Con 4” and a sequel to “Starers.”

Follow news, reviews and the author blues at or twitter @natthewriter

“The power of evil was nothing more than a tangible thing, something that given the strength of will, could be broken as easily as glass.”
Nathan Robinson
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